Charlotte Meloy

43 2 0

Mr Harry Taylor,

We are sorry to inform you of the death of Mr Albert Winchester, he died in battle. Enclosed is his last letter meant for you.

My darling, My Harry,

If you are reading this I have died and you have not, I'm sorry. I've missed you so very much, it has been harder knowing that you are only in the trench next to mine. I was so pleased at the thought of being able to see you, to hold you. But alas we were not aloud. I hope after this war has finished you will still be alive, if not we will be together in heaven. I hope this war was not in vain and that we won. I hope after the war is over people like us will be accepted and will not have to hide. The only regret I have about our relationship is that we hid. If I had known about the war I would have spent every single second with you. I wish we could have more time together, I wish I could see you again. I pray to God you are safe, I will be watching over you forever, until the day you die. Every time you feel the sun on your face, that will be me kissing you. Every time you feel the wind in your hair, that will be me protecting you. I will be with you for always. I love you so much. I pray you are the only person who reads this, as I know if we are found out you will be in trouble. I will never forget you and I hope you will never forget me.

I will always love you,

Your Albert.


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