Harry, Graduate

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It's been a while since we last spoke to each other, you, being so far away, me. here, watching the time pass on days that just seem to merge into one. Do you remember when we were last together? The laughter, the jokes and dances, the dipping orange sun over a sea of tents? We bickered and argued over such silly things, as we always do, friends enjoying youth and freedom.

You hurt me that night. Probably more than you realise. Probably more than you know. I'm sure you don't remember that though. A single comment in passing, you seemed to shock yourself when you said it. You apologised for hours, tried to make it go away. But it's still here, nestled against that memory of us, laughing and enjoying life. It's not that I resent you, it just won't go away, I'm not sure it ever will.

We had times after that, long rambling conversations across distances unmeasured. But we were so distant, it wasn't the same laughter, the same jokes, the same sun.

(Do you still tell those awful jokes? You used to drive me mad with them. I hope you do.)

Do you think of those days like I do? Look back on them as treasures, sparkling in the shade of all other days. Or are they part of the patchwork of your life, blending with all others, until you forget and the sun fades.

I'm still here you know. I know it doesn't feel like it sometimes. Sometimes I go away for a while, sometimes I can hardly bear to hear from you because it hurts too much.

But I'll wait.

I'll wait for you because I know you believe in this, you'll fight for this till the end.

I'll wait and hope we can go back to that place.

Two friends, carefree, under a glowing orange sky.

All my love

N xo


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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