Very Important

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Hey Guys!

I realize its been ages since I last updated, or even logged into my account, and if I'm being honest, I even forgot my username for a quick second.

I appreciate all the endless love and support I receive from all my readers, it means so much to me and it inspires me to keep this story going.

When I initially began this fanfiction, I was very interested in the story that was spinning in my mind, and making something that fans of Justin would want to read. It's been a little more than a year since I started this story, and throughout this time, I have grown and changed as a person.

I am still a fan of Justin and his music, but I have grown to the point where I've lost interest in creating a believable story line for this book, almost entirely. When I feel inspired to write, and I have new ideas to implement, it almost always disappears minuets into the writing process.

But as I go back with the intent on editing, I notice how many giant plot holes I have created, including all my grammatical errors, and I so terribly want to go back and change the whole book, but if I do so, I am afraid the outreach that this book will obtain, will not be the same as it originally was.

I'm afraid that if I delete everything and restart, no one will be interested in the newer, more planned out version, and I'll only be updating for a few readers.

Despite this fear, I am planning to unpublish this book and renovate everything. This will take a very long time, considering all the things I have on my plate. Last school year, I was planning to spend some of my summer free time redoing this book, but I did not know that I was going to be participating in summer school.

With summer school, sports, family, and my mental health all on my plate, it is very hard to keep focus on this aspect of my life.

Please bare with me as I restart this fanfiction for you. When I republish everything, it will be better than the story I initially started with, and hopefully, more readers will be interested in reading a story thoroughly thought out.

Through this process though, I plan to keep everyone updated on how far I am with writing this story.

Unfortunately, I will not be finishing the rest of this story before I take it down. But once I'm finished editing, I'll update the novel about twice a week until everything is published, (this depends on how many active readers and commenters I get so that I know readers are still active).

If you would like, I can create a separate book, which would be a spin off of this one, that has little excerpts of the lives of the characters within this book while you wait, so if you would like that, please comment here!

Thank you again for all your love, support, and patience, and I hope you guys rock with me until I'm finished editing this fanfic for y'all.

I hope you have an amazing day, and that all your dreams and wishes come true! Remember that you are loved and appreciated! :))

With much love,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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