Chapter 3- Buddy System

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Clyde was left dumbfounded, standing at the hallway alone. He was brushing his stung cheek that was slapped by a wierd girl wearing a purple shades.

Who would be a sane person who would wear a shades inside the building?

"What an exasperating girl!" he hissed and shook his head. Never in his entire life that a girl dare to slap him.

He was astonished by the way that girl acts. In his past years in the academy, the scenario is always the same. Girls flocking at him and he who always denied and ignored their affection.

He was getting annoyed everytime a girl confessed to him. But today was different. Today was the very first time a girl slapped her. He gritted his teeth in annoyance. The next time he will see that exasperating weird girl, he assured that she will regret what she did.

He didn't do anything bad at her but looked at the annoying chocolate stain on her chest. He was supposed to mention it to her when at the sudden her hand collided at his face.

He scowled, feeling irritated while remembering it. He walked out the West wing which was empty, maybe because there's still no class.

Clyde headed to the Main building which his dormitory located. He needs a place where he can be peaceful without hearing squealing voices and take a good nap.

Upon entering the building, a group of girls stared at him with their dreamy eyes.

"Hi Clyde," the girl with a blonde hair said shyly while the three girls with her were giggling.

Clyde didn't replied but instead gave them his stoic expression and ignored them as he leave. It has becoming his habit and it is hard for him to smile without looking like smirking.

Finally, he arrived at his room. Good thing, girls and boys dormitory are separated. The girls dormitory can be found in second floor while the boys dormitory can be found in third floor.

Clyde went inside his room. The room 56 has been his room for more than 2 years now with his roommate and the closest person he can called friend Nicholas Curtis or simply Nick.

Nick was sitting on his study table while reading a book. He looked over at Clyde when he notices him.

"What happened to your face?" Nick curiously queried. His eyebrow rose in slight fraction.

Clyde frown as he bounce on his bed and folded his arms under his head.

"An exasperating insect stung me," he simply replied while yawning.

Nick knows what annoys Clyde the most. It is always been girls who are desperate for his attention but today there is something odd on Clyde's face.

A slap mark.

He can't help but to be curious who dared to slap the Golden Boy of Greystone Royal Academy.

Nick put down the book he was reading and adjust his eye glasses as he turned and face Clyde, "What is her name?" he asked amusingly.

"Purple bee," Clyde smirked remembering the peculiar girl in purple glasses.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Belinda had been a professor here when she was in her twenties. I know she taught you well and I can see that in your report card," Principal Morris said approvingly while reading Misty's report card.

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