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Being a prodigy is boring. It makes people crowd around you,  asking you to do certain things, it makes people try to be your friends, just so they can get something out of it, worst of all... It makes adults come to adopt you just so they can be famous and become rich. That is my everyday life.
My name is Akari, and I'm around the age of 12. You would think I lived in a mansion, being all famous... But no, I decided to stay at an orphanage and refuse to get adopted since all the adults just want me for money and my talent. I'm pretty happy living at the orphanage, since my profits go into buying us all proper food and paying the bills. Also... I GET A WHOLE ROOM DEDICATED TO NARUTO STUFF BECAUSE IM THAT AWESOME! Manga's lining the wall with figurines, my plushies sitting on a couch, posters everywhere. It's my heaven in this world full of boringness. I wish I could be in Konoha, that would be great... But whatever I do, it doesn't work! "Bring me to the Naruto world!" I say, sitting on my couch, a black backpack full of Naruto manga and my phone on my back, that also has a set of ninja clothing inside that I designed. I layed there, and fell into a deep sleep.

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