Chapter 8

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            We drove through the crowded downtown of Hong Kong, where every hour of the day there are too many cars for the roads to handle. As I lie in the back seat, I see the light posts pass by with brief flashes from the reflection of the sun. She had to have been driving at least forty-five to fifty miles per hour through the crowded streets, hoping she could get to the airport before Donald tracks them down on CCTV, leading them to the hotel. I may not know Donald that well, but I know he is good at his job, meaning he has probably already tracked them to the hotel and sent a team to retrieve me. As if on cue, Ilani said, "They found us," looking back through the back window. I smiled, knowing it was over for them now, there is no way they will get me out of Hong Kong. They called for support on an old burner phone, one that can not be tracked by satellite. The team they have on stand-by is close behind us, "they're going to cut them off in traffic, hurry up," Svetya told her young lacky. Their plan will not work, I can hear the unease in her voice as they speed through side roads trying to get through the city onto the 3. I use a sharp turn to throw my body up into a sitting position, and with my hands bound in front, I use them to hold onto the window. I tried the window lowering button, but she locked the window as I hit it. Then I remembered they had not locked the door with the child lock. I waited until we had reached an alleyway big enough to open the door but narrow enough to not roll too far. As we entered the side road, just off Ning Po street, I thrusted the door open and threw myself out of the car.

            I stood as fast as I could and started running down the alley away from the car. It was hard to run with the wound on my leg, but I hobbled as fast as I could try to get out onto Ning Po. I knew she could not turn the car around in the alley, so I thought I had time. When I reached the street, I heard a voice yell to me, "where do you think you're going?" Svetya yelled, running toward me. I looked back at her as she was gaining on me and saw she pulled her gun out, the same one she shot me with at the consulate. Before she could get a shot off, I run past the building cover, into the Simran General Store and searched for a knife or pair of scissors. I went to the counter and showed he cashier my hands, she grabbed scissors from behind the counter and cut me free. I ran toward the back of the shop, finding a hiding spot behind the shelving. I heard the door jingle open, and her voice asking the cashier something in Mandarin. I heard them talking, not understanding if the woman was giving me up or protecting me. Then I heard Svetya lower her voice, in a threatening manner, and the cashier repeated her previous statement. Svetya grunted frustratingly, and I heard the gun cock and said said one last thing. After a moment of silence, I heard a muffled bang and then footsteps moving around the store. She said, out loud, "I know you are in here. You killed this innocent girl because you are hiding. I will find you..." she trailed off and stopped walking as her phone rang. She answered the phone, then I heard her say "fuck!" and hang up running out the door.

            I sighed with relief and removed myself from behind the shelves. As I passed through the store, and the counter, I saw her lying on the floor. I grabbed her limp, bloody body and slowly moved it to the store room in the back. Walking up to the window, I searched the area to see if she, or any of her team, is still lingering around. I could not see them, there are so many people outside, walking around right now. Luckily, this store has hats and sunglasses and jackets. I changed my jacket for another and put my hair inside the hat and a pair of fake prescription glasses. I grabbed myself a backpack and loaded it with bandages and first aid, before leaving I would need to redress my bullet wound. I pulled my pant leg up and removed the old, bloody bandages, wincing at the sight of a still fresh bullet hole. I used the cleaning wipes to clean the surrounding area, and sprayed the hole with antibacterial spray, and redressed it with the cotton gauze and tape. I pulled my pant leg down and stood up, feeling a slight pain moving in slowly. I opened the pack and threw in a couple bottles of naproxen sodium and a map. Before exiting the door, I searched the area one last time, and laying out the direction I needed to go to get back to the consulate.

Codename: Bedlam Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin