~Chapter three~

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(Hermione's POV)
It was weird without Harry and Ron, but it was even weirder that Draco was talking to me.. without calling me a mudblood.
He followed me to the library, why? I'm pretty sure he has no interest in me at all, right?
That day I went to the library in the morning, it was a Saturday.
"Look who's here! On a Saturday? I didn't know you where that much of a nerd, Granger!" Said Draco from behind me.
I turned around, to see the blonde staring at me, sniggering.
"Why do you care?" I snapped.
"I... uh." He said blushing.
"Wow! I didn't know Draco Malfoy blushed!" I said laughing.
"It's only with you.." He said quietly.
"What?" I asked him.
"So, what are you doing in the library on a Saturday?" I asked him suspiciously.
"Studying" He confessed.
"Yeah.." he answered.
"Well, I'll go carry on reading my book then." I said, trying not to get distracted.
He sat down on the other end of the table, grabbing his text book and parchment. He scribbled notes quickly.
"Are you okay?" Asked Draco.
"Wha?" I said, daydreaming a little.
"Your staring... again!" He said laughing.
"I am not! I'm seeing what your doing, do you need any help?" I offered.
"I... I'm fi..... yeah, I do." He confessed.
He moved to sit next to me, it made me feel awkward, we were so close to eachother.
"So, potions.. okay. So I guess Snape wants us to research how to brew a... love potion." I said.
"Amortentia." He interrupted.
"Your full of surprises, Draco." I said smirking.
He chuckled, "No, it's just I'm getting interested in potions now."
"Why's that?" I asked him curiously.
"I think it's because, I never used to care about Hogwarts.. or my education. But now after I've learned my lesson, I've come to a realisation that it really is quite interesting." He answered thoughtfully.
"Wow Draco, you really have changed."
The essay on potions was due in this lesson.
"Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is, and what it does?" Asked Professor Slughorn.
I raised my hand "Armortentia is the most powerful love potion to witches and wizard kind. The person who drinks it, becomes attracted to whatever they like the smell of. I don't know what mine is yet.. I'll have to look into it." I answered.
"Well done, Miss Granger!" Said Slughorn happily. "10 points to Gryffindor!"
Draco looked at me and smirked, I smirked back, he mimed 'thanks'. We had studied with each other that night.

Unexpected loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora