T W E N T Y E I G H T | Pep Talk

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It was a few days since Harry and Eleanor had had their phone call and Eleanor was currently waiting for Harry to send her a letter.

During their phone call, Harry had said that his first task for the tournament was in a few days, so Harry would send her a letter after he had finished it as he had to focus on preparing for it.

Harry sounded extremely nervous while saying this all and it made Eleanor confused as surely the tournament is just a bunch of stupid games. Maybe Harry was just really competitive? Or maybe it had something to do with this secret?

The more Eleanor thought about it, the more she had a bad feeling about Harry. Something wasn't quite right about him or his situation. Sometimes the way he said things in his letters or the way he spoke on the phone, sounding scared, led Eleanor to believe he was in danger or some sort of trouble. And although when these thoughts occurred to her and her head told her it would be smart to walk away, her heart reminded her of how she felt the need to trust him and see this though. It also liked to remind her of how her heart leapt hearing his voice.

Eleanor groaned and rolled over in her bed. It was about eleven in the evening and Eleanor was trying to get to sleep. She rolled over and closed her eyes, trying to lull herself into a slumber but her head continued to spin with questions and thoughts about Harry James Potter.

Eleanor groaned again, if she was like this while just sending letters to him, she hated to imagine how she would be when she actually met him.

A knock on her door caused her to sit up. Her father entered, wearing a soft smile. "Everything okay, kiddo?"

Eleanor fell back onto her bed. "No." She said grumpily. She was tired and just wanted to sleep.

William came and sat on his daughters bed, running a hand through her hair and repeating it, knowing it calmed her. "Is it your anxiety again?"

Eleanor smiled at her father. "No, dad, I've told you I've practically over come that now."

"Then what is it?" William asked, knowing her daughter was very open with her problems.

Before Eleanor could try to come up with a response, her other dad entered the room, carrying three hot chocolates filled to the brim with whipped cream and gooey marshmallows. Eleanor sat up instantly, smiling giddily.

"Hot chocolate always helps me get to sleep if I'm feeling restless, so I thought it might help." Ethan said as he sat next to his husband and handed a hot chocolate to him and Eleanor.

"Thanks dad's, you guys are the best." Eleanor smiled and leaned over to kiss them both on the cheek.

"We know," William said nonchalantly. "But I believe you were just going to tell me what's wrong."

Eleanor sighed. How could she word this? She couldn't tell her dad's about Harry; they wouldn't understand. She didn't even understand. She just decided to keep it simple. "What do you do if your head is telling you one thing and your heart is telling you another?"

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Does this have to do with someone? A special someone?"

Was Harry special to Eleanor? He was her only friend apart from Cass. Eleanor found herself thinking about him more than she should and she always got so happy when a new letter arrived from him. She remembered how torn she had been when she found out he was lying to her.

Eleanor thought about it and concluded that Harry was special to her, even if she knew it was too soon to get attached.

"Maybe." Eleanor mumbled honestly.

Ethan beamed. "Ooh! Tell me everything! All the details."

William chuckled and placed a hand on Ethan's leg, silencing him. "That can wait for a different time honey, our daughter is in a crisis."

William continued. "If your head tells you one thing and your heart tells you another, before you do anything decide first whether you have a better head or a better heart."

Eleanor glared at her dad, sipping her hot chocolate. "That doesn't help at all!"

William sighed and kissed her daughters head, standing up. "Well which do you believe in the most; which do you have faith in?" And with that William left, bidding her daughter good night.

"Your father may be wise but he is terrible at giving advice." Ethan said, causing Eleanor to giggle.

"I heard that!" William yelled from down the hall.

Ethan turned to the door. "Oh, go to bed you old fool, I'll be there in a minute!"

Ethan turned back to Eleanor and smiled sympathetically. "Now where were we? Ah, yes. If I was in your position, and this is me just giving my opinion but if I had to choose, I would pick my heart because the heart always stays true to feelings whereas the mind can be tricked and deceived."

Ethan stood up too. "Goodnight, sweetie. Try not to worry about things too much, it will all work out in the end. I love you."

Eleanor lay back down, having finished her hot chocolate. "I love you too."

Ethan planted a kiss on Eleanor's head and left the room quietly. Eleanor turned onto her side and hugged her pillow. She trusted her father's opinions over everything else but she also believed in this case, that if she followed her heart then it would land her in serious trouble...

(This is the longest chapter yet! Also don't you think William and Ethan are just the cutest. I hope you enjoy, until next time...)

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