F I F T Y O N E | Wizards Are Weird

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Eleanor felt very groggy indeed. She began to stir from her sleep and groaned. She could see the bright sunlight trying to penetrate her through her closed eyelids, and rolled over, the light already hurting her head. As her senses began to wake up, the more she began to feel like crap. She felt as if she was getting over a very nasty bout of flu, her body felt weak and pathetic and her sinuses were blocked, making her head feel fuzzy.

Slowly but surely, the events of the previous night jumped out at her and then she realised she was lying on a very soft surface, covered in blankets that felt and smelled very familiar. Eleanor forced her eyes open, and once they became accustomed to the bright sunlight leaking into the room, she realised she was at home in her bedroom. But how? And what happened to Harry? And that thing that attacked them, where did that go?

Eleanor sat up, but far too quickly and she had to hold onto her bed to stop her swaying and wait for the momentary dizziness to pass.

Eleanor listened for a moment but was met with complete silence from the rest of the house and was momentarily confused. She looked over at her clock and saw that it was eleven a.m. on a Tuesday morning. So where were her parents? They had booked the week off work to spend time with them during the holiday.

Then Eleanor had a moment of relief when she remembered that her parents had told her yesterday that they were going to have a date night, and usually on their date nights they didn't come back until late the next day. But that moment of relief vanished when she realised something. Josh!? Where was he? He would normally be up by now but the house was silent.

Eleanor jumped up from bed and rushed out of her room. She ignored her protesting body and swung open her brothers bedroom door which was situated further down the hallway but it was empty and appeared to be untouched. Panic rose ever more presently in Eleanor's stomach and she ran down the stairs, jumping the last six and hurting her ankle but she didn't care. She looked around, the living room was empty and too untouched. She raced into the kitchen but that too was as clean and empty as anything.

Just when Eleanor was about to burst into tears and ring her parents, she saw a note on the fridge. She grabbed it and read it;

Morning buttercup,

We didn't know what time you would get back last night and we couldn't find a babysitter for Josh so he came with us on our date night/day.

We hope you had a good time catching up with your friend Harry, hopefully you were responsible.


Your two dads, and little monster.

P.S There is left over dinner from last night in the fridge for you, depending on what time you get your lazy butt up. Love you x

Eleanor sighed in relief and sunk into one of the bar stools in the kitchen. Eleanor felt slightly guilty because she always looked after Josh on her father's date nights because it was a time where they could spend some alone time together and she had told them that she would be back in order to look after Josh. Eleanor didn't know what time she had gotten home last night, or how she managed it.

The last thing she remembered from last night was Harry holding her and falling asleep in his arms, feeling very warm and comforted by his smell. Eleanor remembered he smelt like wood, the parchment paper he uses to write her letters and something that smelled sweet and inviting. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

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