Chapter 1

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Graphics by kokobycole

Ava's pov

I killed the engine as I exited my car and got into the restaurant that was dressed in the outskirts of England. Stopping by at the kitchen to do a full sweep and see how the chefs are faring, my phone dings and I glance at the sender. Colton.

Colton's my housemate, my best friend and the only person that understands me. Sometimes i don't even have to use a notepad while conversing with him. He's a model, a sexy one at that. He makes a whole lot of money from just showcasing his body.

This people are making me work my ass off, tired, wanna have lunch?

I roll my eyes for the hundredth time today and type into my phone.

Young man, I just got here, the restaurant is a pack house and I'm trying to keep everything under control, you know how Saturdays usually are at the restaurant.

Buying the biggest restaurant in the block, business wasn't always easy, with trying to balance with my disability challenge and fighting to retain my fading position as the best restaurant in the block and beyond, I was a stress reck, especially if the chefs are demanding a higher pay.

Just then I hear another ding as I groan audibly, glancing at my screen

You will pay for ditching me Ava

I chuckle and type into my phone.

I would love to see how, now would you stop bothering me, I have work to do, Ciao.

I proceed with my kitchen sweep as I examine each pastry or snack a chef is making. I stroll over to our top chef Maria, who was making today's special of crunchy honeycombs and our special recipe spaghetti with meat balls.
Examining the whole kitchen, I conclude everything was in good place as I return to my small office room, which isn't to far from the kitchen, neither to far from the main restaurant.

Usually I'd just sit in my office watching food video, waiting for a commotion in the restaurant or pick up the smell of burning food. While on most days, I spend my whole day in the kitchen, cooking for pleasure.

My door slowly creaks open to reveal the inviting face of madam P, she flashes her whitened teeth as I reach in for the table, showing her an already written welcoming note.

Good day ma'am, welcome.

Madam P is my favorite customer, wife of the mayor, who is in her early fifties. One of my most classic elite customers, who understands me well. A lively lady with dark blond hair and a well defined physique.

"I know Ava, how are you?"

I nod my head with my broad smile indicating that I'm fine. I gesture for her to sit down and she does.
"As usual I am here with a massive food proposal," she chuckles lightly gesturing her hand to form a big space.

I smile brightly.

Madam P is a party lady, attended more parties than a princess, either she throws the parties or she's attending one, so every week she comes to request for a buttload of food that'd be served at the party, i have the chefs make them before the party date and then we send everything to the party venue. It was a weekly routine I had gotten used to, but making a large amount of different types of foreign snacks cost a fortune, but madam P pays more than a fortune, so I see no problem there.

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