Chapter 1

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The sun shining through the little window in the men's room was bright. After several failed attempts to block the sun from his face, Zoro rolled out of his hammock. He didn't even need to look around and check if anyone else was still in their hammocks because the loud complaint of "Fooood Sanji" and response of "It'll be ready soon idiot " gave him his answer.

After Zoro walked on to the deck after 15 minutes, he set out for his morning training. He would have been out on the deck sooner to train but the stairs leading to the deck kept changing positions. Lifting up his dumbbells, Zoro began to count to 1,000 for his first exercise. When that was done, Zoro started to get into his push-up position, ready to start but was interrupted. "Hey Shitty Swordsman, you better not think about doing those pushups 'cause breakfast is ready and I don't want a sweaty Marimo smell lingering in my kitchen. Oh Nami-Swan, Robin-Chawn, breakfast is ready my lovelies." The said women got up from their seats on deck and entered the kitchen with an excited Sanji following close behind.

One of these days, Zoro thought, I'm gonna slice that tongue off and see how well Nami-Swans and Robin-Chawn's come out his mouth. With that in mind, Zoro stood up, wiped his sweat off with a towel and went into the kitchen for breakfast. As soon as he opened the door to the gallery, Zoro was greeted with the sight of Sanji literally flying around Nami and Robin. Gritting his teeth, Zoro took his place at the table and began to eat.

To say that he was jealous of Nami and Robin was an understatement. Sanji catered to them day and night and probably in his sleep. Zoro didn't like it but he wasn't going to blow his cover. He liked Sanji. A lot. He might even go as far as saying love. But the cook only had eyes for women, which left Zoro feeling heavy hearted. Sanji being straight and him being gay made his life that much more harder. And it didn't help the fact that he had to see Sanji's face every day. The worst part of it was that all Sanji did was flaunt his love for women around. For Christ sake, Zoro couldn't even talk to the guy without having to argue with him.

"If you break my utensils marimo, I'll break your face." Sanji said glaring at Zoro.

Zoro snapped out of his dazed state and notice that he was holding his fork a bit too tightly, almost to the point where it could break. He stabbed his eggs with the fork and ate it while glaring at Sanji. When he was done he responded.

"I doubt you could do that love-cook. By the time your feet move, my swords would have already cut you."

"Is that a challenge, Marimo?"

"No. Just a premonition. "

By now, both parties were standing up glaring daggers at one another, until Robin intervened.

"Cook-san, the food was wonderful as always."

Sanji turned away from Zoro as if he had forgotten the argument they were having. "Thank you, Robin my sweet. I only cook the best for the two most beautiful women around. Do you need anything before you leave Robin-chawn? What about you my lovely Nami -swan?" Sanji asked with hearts in his eyes.

"Nothing else is needed Cooks-san. If you need me I will be in the aquarium reading." After saying this Robin walked out the gallery door. Zoro didn't miss the mischievous glint in her eyes as she sent a look to Franky that went unnoticed by the rest of the crew.

"No thank you, Sanji-kun. I don't need anything else either, but if you need me I'll be in a navigation room." After stating this, Nami begin to walk towards the navigation door but before she left the Gallery she looked back at the table and directed a glance that could kill at Luffy.

"Luffy, if you so much as disturb my concentration while I'm working on the maps, we'll be eating you for dinner." Nami then proceeded out the door.

Luffy looked confused for a moment before he remembered what was really important. "Sanji, more food!"

Instead of getting what he had asked for , Luffy was rewarded with a kick to the head. "Idiot, we gotta make the food last 'till we get to the next island." With that said, Sanji took his, Nami's and Robin's plates to the sink. Looking down at his own plate, Zoro noticed that he wasn't hungry anymore and started to leave the gallery as well.

Sanji, who was currently at the sink washing dishes, saw Zoro begin to leave and spoke up.

"Where are you going idiot? You didn't even finish your food."

Without looking back, Zoro said "What does it look like I'm doing ? I'm going to finish training. Luffy can have the rest of my food." Upon hearing the last statement about food, Luffy happily leapt to get the rest of Zoro's while Zoro continued to walk out onto the deck.

After Zoro finished his training, he walked out of the crows nest and onto the deck of the Sunny. The sun was still shining bright which meant it was a good time to sleep. After making his way to his favorite nap spot, Zoro took his swords out of his haramaki and leaned them beside him. When Zoro was settled in his spot, he began to drift into a very inviting sleep.

Before sleep over came him however, Zoro noted the silence on the deck. Usually the deck was really loud because of his captain. Opening his eyes, Zoro searched the deck. Robin was sitting at the deck table reading and Nami was sun bathing on the deck talking quietly to Robin who replied every once in a while. Zoro knew Franky went to fix something and by the smells and sounds of pots coming from the kitchen, that's probably where the cook was. Brook was no doubt writing more songs in the kitchen as well.

Opening his eyes again, Zoro looked to the side of the boat where Chopper was seated. In his hand was a fishing rod and next to him were two others unoccupied by their owners. Putting his hands behind his head and yawning, Zoro shifted his gaze towards Chopper before yelling over to him.

"Hey Chopper, where's Luffy and Usopp?"

Hearing the names of the two most troublesome members of their crew, Nami stopped talking and started looking around before letting her eyes slide onto Chopper's furry figure.

"Now that you mention it, I don't see those idiots anywhere. Weren't they on fishing duty with you, Chopper?" Nami asked the doctor.

Chopper turned and peeked at the three pair of eyes on him. "Usopp went to get his new invention to show me and Luffy. Luffy went with him." Chopper then turned his head back towards the ocean hoping for the fish to bite his rod.

"Perhaps they started playing one of their games while going to get the invention" Robin stated rather calmly as she turned back to reading her book.

Shaking her head, Nami said "Maybe your right. Those idiots do have a tendency of forgetting things because of games. But if that's the case, we have nothing to worry about." and proceeded her conversation with Robin.

Looking towards the sky, Zoro let his eyes slide close. His gut was telling him that something bad was gonna happen. He couldn't figure out what though and decided to sleep before he pondered on it too much. And with that on his mind, Zoro slid into a peaceful sleep.

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