Chapter 25

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Zoro opened his eyes and looked at the Sanji less space beside him. Rolling his eyes, he assumed the cook got up early to cook breakfast. Sitting up slowly, Zoro looked around the room for the cribs. He moved towards the cribs and peaked in and almost had a panic attack when he noticed the lack of babies present in them. Taking a deep breath, he came to the conclusion that Sanji must have taken them.

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Zoro forced his body to stand up. He quickly grabbed a hold of his side table to keep himself from falling. His body felt alot weaker now that he was on the ground. Zoro cursed under his breath and used the wall to help him make his way out the room and through the halls. Before I couldnt walk on my own, now I cant walk on my own. This is just getting ridiculous.

When he got to the stairs, he heard a lot of different noises. Some comforting to hear and others making him quicken his pace. Well, he tried to quicken his pace. Holding on to the railing like his life depended on it, Zoro slowly ascended the stairs. At the top, he saw Nami and Robin with the babies . Around them stood the rest of the crew members except for Sanji and Luffy. He was about to ask where Luffy was but he then saw him fly past him with a shout of " And stay out my kitchen" following after.

Looking towards the gallery, he saw Sanji who seemed very angry. Sanji continued to fume for a second before his eyes caught sight of Zoro's. As soon as their eyes connected, Sanjis expression softened and he made his way quickly over to the swordsman.

"Zoro. What are you doing out of bed?" Sanji asked as he neared.

Hearing the swordsmans name, the rest of the crew turned towards him and asked similar questions.

"Well why should I still be in bed?"

"Because Zoro" Chopper started as he walked closer towards the pair of men. " after giving birth, your suppose to rest for 3 days."

"Exactly." Sanji said while trying to tug Zoro back towards the steps. "So lets get you back to bed."

Yanking his arm from Sanji's grasp, Zoro spoke. "Thats for females. If you haven't noticed I'm still a man."

Hearing chuckles, Zoro looked over to see Usopp and Luffy laughing. Feeling his eye twitch, he listened to what the two were whispering about.

" He says he's a man but he just had a baby." Usopp chuckled out while coverong his mouth.

"Yeah. Only females have babies." Chuckling more, Luffy said "so maybe he was a female all along."

"He does always watch his figure." Usopp added before both members started laughing hysterically. Unfortunately, they didnt see their crew mates cower away from them and a pissed and more energized swordsman stalked towards them.

"I suppose that theres no way he would be able to hurt you guys either." Zoro hissed menacingly.

"Yeah. The birth probably took away his ability to fight." Luffy wheezed out causing both him and Usopp to laugh again.

"Is that right?"

"Mhmm." Usopp said nodding his head.

"I bet he's the girl in the relationship too."

Both Luffy and Usopp started cackling like maniacs before turning to Zoro, who they still had not noticed.

"Dont you" Usopp said, finally seeing Zoro in front of him. Tapping Luffy rapidly, the black haired boys faces scrunched with fear.

"Why'd ya stop? I was just enjoying the conversation." Zoro was smiling very menacingly as he spoke.

The rest of the crew watched their sniper and captain in pity. Its one thing to talk about the swordsman but to question his strength because of his pregnancy, thats just bad news. They watched at Zoro 'handled' the situation with care. As a matter a fact, he was so careful that he only managed to break a few walls on the ship to Frankys dismay.

Turning around, Zoro smiled. " Is breakfast ready?"

Sanji nodded his head while everyone else stood frozen.

"Good." Zoro said. Taking the babies from the girls he started making his way to the kitchen. As he walked away, the crew heard him mutter in a baby voice. "Your gonna grow up and beat the crap out of those idiots. Yes you are."

When Zoro realized no one was following, he stopped. Turning around, he said

" Sanji, I dont think the food will serve its self. And we dont eat with out the rest of the crew so hurry the hell up idiots. Im hungry!"

Franky and Chopper hurried to grab Usopp and Luffy while everyone else ran towards the kitchen. Zoro was in a very strange mood and no one wanted to be a part of it.

Breakfast in the ship was very interesting. Instead of focusing on eating, everyone focused on Zoro. He was sitting next to Sanji but paid little mind to him. He was angled so that he faced the babies, making sure their bottles were hot enough before proping them up on folded blankets. Sanji watched in fascination as Zoro acted with incredible speed but still held a tender touch. Something so unlike the usually heated mosshead.

"Could it be that a certain someone is going soft?" Nami said jokingly to the Swordsman, breaking the silence.

"Soft?" Zoro said turning toward his own plate at the table. " Nothing about me is soft."

"I don't know swordsman. It looks ike you have gone soft." Robin said, teasing along with Nami .

Scowling, Zoro decided to ignore them and eat. A few times he joined the conversations the crew but he mostly stayed silent. He wouldn't admit but it felt nice to have the usual rambunctious antics without anyone fussing over his health.

"Excuse me Nami, Robin." Sanji said causing everyone to look curiously towards him.

"Yes?" both female member asked.

"Would you mind watching the babies for a while? I'm very tired and he's suppose to be resting." Sanji said while pointing a thumb at Zoro.

Zoro opened his mouth to protest but was silenced by the girls talking.

"Of course we can." Nami said, winking slyly at Zoro.

"Take as long as you two need." Robin added with a smirk of her own.

"Thank you. Usopp, Luffy, its your turn to do dishes and if any break you'll be sleeping with the fish ." Sanji said as he dragged Zoro out the kitchen , guiding them towards their room.

When they got to the , Zoro opened and walked forward. As he walked, he spoke to Sanji. " I told you and Chopper that I didnt need to-" Zoro turned to face Sanji and was taken back at what he saw.


Sanji stood in front of the locked bedroom door with his shirt half undone and a look of lust in his eyes.

"I do remember promising you something." Sanji said in a low voice causing Zoro to shiver. " And I plan to keep that promise."

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