Chapter 10

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Zoro woke up the next day feeling happier than he's been in a while. Last night was one of the only times he actually let loose and he enjoyed every minute of it. Sitting up, Zoro couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He remembered all the laughs and jokes shared among friends and strangers and couldn't help but want to have that all the time. I mean sure, he knew that he could on his ship, but when it came to his crew, you never really knew what to expect.

Walking towards the bathroom, Zoro paused. He walked towards the pants he had on yesterday and picked it up. Digging in the pocket, Zoro pulled out a small picture. The picture was of him, Nami and Robin. In the picture, Robin was leaning back laughing while Nami was reaching over the table collecting money that she had won with a huge smile on her face. Zoro's smile widened when his eyes landed on himself. In the picture, he was laughing as well but was holding a bag that contained the money that Nami had already won from previous gambles that night. To say he looked like he had fun, was an understatement.

Just as Zoro was musing about all the great things that happened the night before, a knock sounded at his door. Putting the picture on the bedside table, he went to the door and opened it, already knowing who it was.

" Jeez Zoro, you aren't ready yet?" Nami asked with a bewildered look as she entered the room with Robin close behind.

" I just got up. You could at least cut me some slack." he said as he closed the door and started for the bathroom again.

"Yea but it's noon Zoro. Your the only person I know that can sleep that long." Nami replied as Zoro stepped into the bathroom. After a second she heard the shower start so her and Robin left. Right before they entered the hallway, Nami yelled back in to Zoro.

" Be ready in an hour!"

An hour and a half later, Zoro and the girls were having breakfast at a small diner. The diner they were in was a really quiet one and not many people went there.

" So, baby shopping." Nami said excitedly as she put some eggs into her mouth before looking at Zoro.

Zoro froze in his eating. He had honestly forgotten all about that. " Umm...Yea. Baby shopping." was all he could manage to say with how he was feeling. He offered a shaky smile before turning back to his food.

' So this is really happening, huh.' Zoro thought as he let out a shaky breath. He was going to have Closing his eyes, Zoro prayed it was only one baby. He didn't think he'd be able to raise more than that by himself, but then again, he's not alone. But he still didn't feel like waking up to take care of two babies by himself. No one is going to actually watch them at night besides him. In an alternate universe, Sanji would be the one helping but at the moment, Sanji wanted him gone. Zoro mentally slapped himself. ' You will not think of that asshole right now. Your going to enjoy your last day here before leaving tomorrow.' Zoro thought.

" ZORO!"

Zoro's head snapped up to see the concerned faces of Nami and Robin.

" This is the umpteenth time we're calling you Swordsman-kun. Is something wrong?" Robin asked with worried eyes.

Looking down at his plate, Zoro decided that he had had enough and the girls were already finished. Ignoring Robin's question, Zoro called for a waiter to bring the bill. He could feel the girls staring at him while they all waited for the bill. When the bill got to the table, Nami placed the correct amount of money over it with a small tip, but otherwise made no move to leave.

" Swordsman-kun," Robin said gaining Zoro's attention and finally making him look at them. " You look disturbed. Is something bothering you?" she asked again and Zoro took in their worried eyes. Sighing, he decided to just tell them.

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