chapter 6

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Sorry for the very long wait but here it is at last the long awaited next part of this story. This book has 1k views i'm so happy. I would also like to thank everyone who is reading or has read this book.

Lynn was in the basketball court practicing with her team during training and without them during her spare time because her team is in the league semi-finals on Sunday. While Luke on the other hand has soccer practice all this week because there in their leagues final against their local rivals. His match is on the Saturday. Both are training very hard because there very competitive by nature and hate losing and because of this they can't hang out which they both hate.
Saturday comes very fast. The day of the boys soccer league finals. Lynn took today off training to rest for tomorrow and to watch this game. She was sitting in the stand waiting for the game to start when Luke's parents walked over they asked was anyone sitting beside her and she said no there isn't. The game was split into two 45 minute half's with a 10-15 minute break between the half's. Me and Luke's dad were shouting throughout most of the match with occasional shout from Luke's mother. The game ended 3:2 with Luke scoring the last goal to win the match. Luke was also the captain for the team so he said a lovely speech after being handed the trophy and the microphone. We were all delighted because the boys haven't won a league title in 10 years. After the game we congratulated Luke on winning and we all went back to celebrate the win at the clubhouse. It was a great little party I hope that will happen tomorrow for us.

Lynn Loud x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now