Chapter 6

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A few weeks, maybe a month later, Edward decided to bring Bella along to our baseball game. She's been over a few times since then.

“Hey, Bella,” I said, walking over as Rosalie and Emmett grabbed at the bat to decide who'd go first.

“I'm glad you came Bella,” Esme said. “We need an umpire.”

“She thinks we cheat,” Emmett and I said at the same time as he took off for the field and I headed to the mound.

“Oh, I know you cheat,” she said. Rosalie tossed me the ball and I caught it with ease. She stepped up to the plate as thunder shook the valley and Alice joked about it being time to start.

I threw the first pitch to Esme, who was catching for us and Rose knocked it over my head out towards Edward. It ended up clear back in the woods.

“That's gotta be a home run,” Bella said.

“Edwards very fast,” Esme answered, and that was when I noticed they were whispering.

The ball came whizzing past my head and landed in Esme's hand just a quarter of a second before Rose slid into home. I knew Bella wouldn't have been able to tell.

“You're out,” Bella said, causing Emmett to cheer and Rosalie's death glare at Bella got turned on her husband.

“Come on babe. It’s just a game,” Emmett yelled to his wife.

Carlisle was up next. He hit the first pitch into the outfield, and Emmett and Edward collided in midair as they both missed the ball. I laughed at them as Carlisle slid into second base.

“Let's see what you got today,” Jasper said as he stepped up to the plate.

“Oh can it,” I said, catching the ball Emmett threw at me. The first pitch was just enough off perfect he would've hit it right back at me had he not been expecting it. The ball flew into the woods, and as Edward went to go after it Alice yelled for him to stop.

“They were leaving town when they heard us,” Alice said as Edward sprinted in to Bella.

“Get your hair down,” he said.

“Like that'll help. I could smell her across the field,” Rosalie said. I stood slightly behind Jasper, holding his arm out of habit. He tightened his grip on my hand slightly so he could calm me down some.

Three vampires made their way into the field. The one in the middle had dark skin and dreadlocks. The man to the right of him had blonde hair with light skin. The woman that stood on the other side of him had pale skin and flaming red hair.

“I believe this belongs to you,” one with dark skin and dreadlocks said.

“Thank you,” Carlisle said, catching the ball as it was snapped towards him.

“We led the humans east. You should be safe,” the red haired girl said.

“It seems your hunting habits have caused quite a problem for my family and I,” Carlisle said.

“I apologize. We hadn't realized the area was claimed,” the man with the dreads said.

“We maintain a permanent residence nearby,” Carlisle said.

“I'm Laurent. This is Victoria and James.” The man with the dreads introduced his little trio.

“I'm Carlisle. This is my family,” he said by way of an introduction.

“Could you use some more players?” Laurent asked.

“Some of us were just leaving anyways,” Carlisle said. As Edward and Bella went to leave, the wind kicked up behind us and I pushed it back.

“I’m the one with the wicked curveball,” Victoria said as she caught the ball that Carlisle tossed to them.

“Oh, I think we can handle that,” Jasper said. I smirked at his cocky attitude.

“Who is that?” I asked almost silently to Jasper. I could smell a human that wasn't too far from here. Jasper is our best tracker, so if anyone knew who the human was, it'd be him.

James stiffened as if he caught a whiff of a human. All I could do was pray it was the human in the woods and not Bella.

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