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                       FUNNEH'S POV

It's time for the most boring morning announcement.Every morning our principal doe boring announcements "Hello Yandere high todays announcements are taco Tuesday is canceled.The water fountain by the boys bathroom is broken and THE VALENTINES DANCE IS COMING UP SO YALL BETTER GET A DATE OR YOUR BFFLS THAT'S ALL HAVE A GOOD DAY" Like I said Announcements are dumb my BFF Gold said "Who are you going with 2 the dance ?" I replied with a "Valentines day is dumb" Gold gasped and said "SURE THING FUNNEH BUT WHAT IF Alec asked you to the dance?" I Felt my face turn bright red Gold chuckled then replied to my bright red face with a "Omg Funneh your as red as a tomato !!" "N-NO I DON'T LIKE HIM GOLD!!!!!" That was not ture I liked him but I get so dumb and nervous when I'm close to him my face turns bright red and I stutter when I am close to him anyway I said bye to Gold then ran off to class  I walked in to see Alec .F*CK CR*P OMG and just my luck there was only one seat left and that was next to Alec I sat down next to him and again just my luck the teacher was late Alec finally said"So Funneh what's up?"  I replied "nothing much" Trying to hide my face cause I was blushing really bad Alec asked for my school schedule so he can see and if we have the same classes so I said "S-sure h-here" then I handed my  schedule praying this was my only class with him  he looked at it then said"We have 4 more classes together"Cr*p  the Art teacher came in cr*p cr*p cr*p ugh Our art teacher is always like paint your feelings and she ships people together  she said "Today is a free day do whatever you want" F*CK ok I hate Tuesdays I zoned out the whole time then class was finally over I ran to my next class music then I sat down I was first then more people started to come only one seat was left the one next to me Alec walked in then sat down next to me GREAT someone kill me the music teacher was talking about  us talking to much during  our singing breaks  so he said"hey guys I'm moving you guys to different spots so you guys will stop talking "  I had to sit with.......

Hey y'all Sorry for the cliffhanger
But I ran out of time 2 finish this
442 words.

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