The Kiss

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I woke to Funneh cuddling me, I blushed then kissed her on the forehead then went back to sleep

(30 minutes later)
I woke to the sound of pictures being taken it was Ally!! Funneh woke up too we both looked really embarrassed then Ally said " ooOoOoOoOo did you guys-" I quickly said "No shut up" then Ally "I'll be outside getting breakfast then at a friends house so the house is all yours ;))" Funneh's face flushed red I felt mine do it too before I knew it

Ally had already left and it was just me and Alec sitting there frozen .... Alec looked at me we locked eyes then before I relished it we both were leaning in them Poof we kissed And it wasn't like our other one it lasted at least 30 seconds I felt myself slowly pull away he slowly pulled away too I felt like crying I was SOOO HAPPY!!! I AM FREAKING OUT OMG I smiled warmly at him he smiles back he says "I'll make breakfast!" Then starts making breakfast I just sit down and look at my phone 123 messages from Gold and Kyran yay... 124 .-.

I'm ok I just was- asleep on Alec ;))
Did anyone ever tell
you that your dirty
Really dirty?
Yes all the time😂
Lol gtg bye
Are you going to with Alec-
Okay have fun ;)
F you Gold..
I felt my face burn red kill meh now

(At school) cause I can lol
I walked in next to Alec everyone was starring at us someone started singing "OOoOoOOOOOO LOVEBIRDS" then everybody started to join in till half on the Whole school were yelling "OOoOoOoOoOoOoO" I blush even more then Evan ugh I hate him then he came up to us and said " Prove that you guys are a couple." Alec leaned in and kissed me the whole school was watching/ fangirling there hearts out lol no joke they did it till the bell rang. I had Math so f*ck dat lol I walked into math there was one seat left next to Gold she said "OoOOOOOOOO A I saw what happened" and that's when I knew I would die ;-;

381 words

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