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You have to wear glasses — fact is, you have sucky eyesight. And sometimes, it can get you down, but you've come to terms with it for the most part. However, if it does make you sad sometimes, or if you need cheering up for any other reason, or if you just feel particularly attracted to the idea, Lucifer will grab your glasses and put them on. In all honesty, you think he might look better with them than you, and you partly wish he would have to wear a pair too. Still, he is always supporting you, going with you to buy new ones or to be emotional support at the optometrist, always complimenting on how beautiful you look and reading things for you if you can't see them.

I hope you know that letting someone use your glasses is like the biggest display of trust.

Oh, you must love me plenty then! Worry not, Y/N, I will protect them as if they were my own.

» lucifer in glasses was
definitely one of season
3's highlights for me,,
that's all i wanted and
that is what i got I LOVE

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