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Cil sighed as he leaned against the counter, humming softly as he mumbled some lyrics of a song he heard before.

It was the last day before he went back to school, honestly, he'd rather go get drunk than prepare for tomorrow.

Actually, maybe he could. It was a Sunday so the bar was closed until tomorrow so it wouldn't hurt to empty a bottle or two...right?

He grabbed a bottle and a shot glass, smiling softly as he looked around, no one was here yet. He thanked of the small mercy given to him, opening the bottle and poured the drinkin until it filled up the little glass.

With a quick swig, he almost purred, the drink already warming him up, his magic hair lighting up slightly with a soft pinkish glow that soon dimmed.

Cil chuckled as he poured another, letting his mind wander, giggling at some random thoughts that popped in.

He started to remember the song he was humming, ignoring the now empty shot glass as he chugged down the bottle, letting a sigh of relief while wiping his mouth.

Befote he knew it, his thoughts turned into memories making him stop his movements but continue his singing. Not lik anyone would complain as there was no one.

Not one.

He was alone.

That scared him more than it should have but his drunken mind didn't spike up the fear.

He shakily got up, to look for someone not even stopping his singing, his memories soon going to the bitter ones.

He never noticed a figure entering the club, he just kept on hearing the same line over and over again.

"You're not my brother."

Cil laughed softly, stumbling as he gripped onto the almost empty bottle, "Ha! Come on bro~" He slurred, vision hazy as he looked up at the figure.

They were taller and they weren't exactly light except for what he thought were his sleeves so it must be him...right?

"You got the lyrics wrong! One more time~!" He urged on, giggling as he tried to stand straight.

"You're not my brother."

Cil snickered as he shook his head, getting slightly dizzy but paid no mind, "Wrong! It goes like this."

"Say you loved me like you used to."

And with that the world went black.

My dad? Oh, it's Erratum. REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now