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Chapter Forty-Four

Melody was busy studying for her upcoming Technology exam when she received a video call request. She was sitting in her room at the desk on the cloudy day, dressed in her fluffy purple onesie. Cutie Pie, her rabbit, sat in the corner of the desk, chewing peacefully on some hay.

Melody, confused, accepted the call and immediately a boy with blue eyes came onto the screen. She grinned. "Hello, my fave!"

He waved back and smiled, his messy black hair falling over his eyes as he lay down on the couch on his stomach. "Hey!"

"How are you?"

"I'm good. I've missed you!" He pouted, and she let out a light chuckle.

"I've missed you too, Max. How are you calling me from Jason's phone?"

"He thinks I'm playing my car game," he explained and laughed. "Stupid."

She laughed again and picked up her pen, writing down notes. "So, what have you been up to?"

He shrugged, resting his head in his palm that was perched on the couch. "Preschool. It's boring."

She raised a brow. "What do you even do at school? You're four."

"Colouring, counting, learning the alphabet, painting, playing, eating, arts and crafts," he rolled his eyes sassily, "everything is just boring."

She scoffed. "Wait until you get to my age. That's when it gets really boring."

His eyes narrowed. "What do you do at school?"

She picked up the phone and reversed the camera, pointing it at her notes. "You see all those complicated words and numbers? That's Grade 8." She switched the camera back again.

His mouth formed a round 'o'. "That's really boring."

"You're telling me," she sighed.

"Are you writing that thingie Jase talks about? What did he say it was? Exbams?"

She nodded. "Yeah, exams."

He stuck his tongue out. "I don't write those. Boo hoo for you!"

She chuckled and continued talking to the sassy four-year-old as she studied.

Soon they heard footsteps coming from behind Max and a messy haired, bored looking Jason walked past the couch, his glasses on his face. He looked like he had just woken up from a nap with his hair sticking up in different directions.

"Max, did you eat?" He called from what was probably the kitchen.

His aqua eyes widened, and he put a finger over his lips, gesturing for Melody to be quiet. "Uh... yeah, I did."

"What did you eat?" He questioned skeptically.

"The chicken pops and chips that were in the fridge."

He hummed and walked back into the room, a burger and bottle of Stoney in his hands. Max flipped the phone over. He raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, Jase. You know I love you, right?" He said in a sweet voice. He was a charmer at such a tender age.

Melody giggled silently, and an idea came to mind. She quietly cleared her throat and sang, "Hello from the other side!"

Jason flipped the phone over and narrowed his eyes at his brother. "You sneaky little liar."

He gulped. "I'll see you later, Memory!" He rushed out and ran away and Jason pinched his bum, making him squeak.

The Unnoticed, Noticed Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora