Standard of Noldor

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"It was an ordinary day... Everything was silent as death. We were not expecting any trouble..." the Sentinel continued to tell the story. A story to be told, a story that has roots in thousand years. Other one said: "What you want to tell me that something happened that day, isn't that? What made you, what possibly on this sphere made you excited?" and turned his face to the other side...

Sentinel suddenly hold him from the shoulder, made him turn his face to his side and looked at the face and eyes of him as the most serious man in Middle-Earth. Then the smiling face of other sentinel changed he hardly spoke: "You..."

"Yes, I did see them, with this eyes, right at this spot. They were riding directly to these walls..."


"Yes, the King and his guards... With the standard of Noldor in their hands... King was carrying his crown on his helmet and in one hand bloody sword of him..."


"PaladinBlood. Yes, I saw them, these eyes saw them, It was the age of Kings and we called his name Feanor, Feanor, Feanor..."

When the sentinel released the other one, he walked to other way. The astonished one repeated unconsciously:


Art: "Spirit of Fire" by Çağlayan Kaya Göksoy

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