Busy As A Bee

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This is literally me right now. I'm super duper sorry!

Literally there might not be any updates till school starts back because I'm jammed packed with drawing, planning parties, and all this fun shit!

Literally, I promised for my brothers bday party that the theme would be Naruto since last year it was dragon ball z. So I have to make like four or five cosplays for his party and then I have to finish up my face drawings which take atleast a week.

I'm actually pretty happy I got my hair done today because after today my schedule is packed.

I have no idea when I'll be able to write again so, don't get your hopes up.

Maybe end of July or even June? I WILL however finish up chapters I've been already writing so I won't forget and maybe if I wanna be a zombie I'll write late at night (thank god there's no school)

But I just wanted to get that out there! See you whenever wattpad!

jazzyloves-anime out!

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