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  Stephanie was on her bed, staring at a poster. It represented a snake rolled around a branch. One of her biggest dream was to have her very own snake. Finally, she had her first pay for her work at her father's office. With that money, she could buy her serpent. She wanted a cobra. Since this was the first animal she bought of her whole life, she didn't really know how to do it. Sadly, she couldn't ask her parents because they hated snakes since her grandfather died of a snake bite. The rule was if she wanted one, she would have to buy it herself and take care of him herself, including buying the food and all the needed products. But she was determined. She would have her snake. The next day, she was at the pet shop." So many types of snakes!" She thought to herself. Indeed there were a lot of types. Although, one of them looked really cute. It was him that would become her snake. She called a guy to ask him to get it out for her, but the guy freaked out when she pointed it.
-Do you have experience in having snakes at home? He asked first
- Not really... actually, this is my first, She answered sadly
-Then don't take this one
-It's a very rare type of snake we found lately. He isn't aggressive at all but he attacks at random moments and you can easily die of his bite.
-Well ill keep it in an aquarium with a cover so he can't get out
-It's not that easy. He is a very intelligent snake and is able of doing a lot of things, including opening a cover.
She sighed. He really looked good. She looked for hours with the guy but only that snake was looking cute. And just to make things worse, every time she passed, he looked at her with imploring eyes. She decided to go back home and come back the next day with a choice. She went to sleep and she had all sorts of dreams in which the snake Bit her by surprise but every time, it ended up well and she became friend with it. When she got up on the evening, her choice was made. She went to the pet shop and the guy welcomed her again.
-So, what's your choice? He asked.
-I'll take the rare snake, she said with confidence.
-Are you really sure?
-Yes I am
He didn't say anything more and went to take him. He gave it to her with a giant pack of food and a booklet on how to live with a dangerous snake. Also, he gave her a paper on which was written his name, specie and age. She went home with all of it. Arrived at home, she got out her old aquarium she had when she was in 3rd grade and placed him in. She already adapted it for him so that he could survive easily. She passed the rest of the day to read the booklet. In the evening, she put a rat in the aquarium and went to sleep. In the morning, She dressed herself, went to eat and brushed her teethes. Weirdly, her tongue hurted a little. She didn't care. She went to work with her dad again and came back by noon. She went straight upstairs to find her snake when she had the worst fear of her life. The aquarium was empty. She went around looking in her bedroom to find it in the food bag. Relieved, she put it back in the aquarium with two rats and played on her computer. The more the time advanced, the more her tongue hurted. At a time, it hurted so much that she felt like it would divide in her mouth. Why did this have to happen when she had her new snake... The next day, she went to the dentist and asked him to look. The Answer of the dentist freaked her out. He said that the tip of her tongue divided in two for a mysterious reason. Also, he noticed that two weird hole appeared on her cheek. It looked like a bite. She realized it might be her snake but when? And why would it do that? She went straight home and was happy to know that her parents slept. She went upstairs and called the guy of the pet shop.
-Welcome to the pet shop what can I do to help y-
-Oh hello Stephanie! Why do you ask?
-Just to know...
-Well we are actually testing it in lab but answers aren't here yet.
She didn't answer and closed the line. Could it be...? Her doubt soon became reality. At first, it wasn't so bad. She felt weird, like dizzy. Then, her tongue ache came back worse than ever. This time, it felt like her tongue became flat. Two holes in her palate, and her sense of smell changed. By reflex, her tongue went out with a "SSS" and went back in her two little holes. It smelled something. Her fear was so great she couldn't even yell. She was becoming a snake. Her nose stayed there as a decoration and her canine started to grow longer and sharper. The nails on both her hand got longer and sharper, like claws. The easiest part was done. The next went a little worse. Her chest started to grow bigger and scales started to appear on her waist. When the scales finally made their way to her toes, she felt a strong sensation in her legs. They seemed to grow liquid. Then, her leg "juice" fused with one another and became solid. Her legs were now a 6 foot long green snake tail, just like her snake. When she realized that, she turned to see it. It was out of his aquarium and was staring at her. Weirdly, she understood him like if they had a normal conversation.
-So... do you like your new form?
She was about to answer when a pain pierced though her back and neck. A thin membrane peeked out and relied the back of her head to the middle of her back, like a cobra.
-Right, he said calmly. I forgot this part.
-How could you...
-Well, I need to reproduce you know
Stephanie looked at her new body. She was still partly a human. All her clothes were on the floor. She had a human torso and head but a snake mouth and tail.
-You are a naga my dear.
- But my parents...
- You'll have to live with it.
She started to cry. How could she abandon her family? It was out of the question for her to show herself like that to them.
Someone knocked on the door. She recognized her father's strength. She must have done too much noise in her transformation and awoke him. He probably wanted to scold her for that
-Wait dad! I'm changing clothes.
-Since when does changing clothes does so much noise? Said a heavy voice behind the door. And what's that voice you have?
She plugged her mouth. Did she sound so different? She had to get away. She quickly took a pen and wrote a message for him and her mother. She took her snake and some of her things while her father tried to ask her again. She put it all in her bag and went out by the window. She landed softly in the bushes. She was really lucky that a forest lied behind her house. She slid to there, sat on a rock and cried. She cried all the tears she could cry without her body suffering from it. Then, She went deeper into it with her snake in hope she could find a good place to make a house.

As for her father, he finally entered and realized she went out with her snake. He took the message and read it out loud.
Dear father. I am terribly sorry but I must go. For some reasons, you would not like me anymore because you wouldn't think I am myself. My body had some kind of... modifications. Please, inform this to the guy at the pet shop, to mom and to everyone. I'll love you all forever. Stephanie. P.S. don't look for me for your own good.
He sis all what she asked except for one thing. He called the police and asked them to investigate. Luckily, they didn't find anything.

Since then, a rumor is that in the forest behind her house, people see a half human half snake lady crying.  

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