Lucky Potions

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  It was a nice Friday afternoon. Serena was so excited as she can have a break from a long week of work. She works in a law firm as a legal counselor. She had lots of clients this week which had made her always exhausted. She was planning to have a nice spa after work this day. While driving, she accidentally turned to the wrong corner. Coincidentally, she saw a Chinese shop at the end of the corner. Written un big bold letters is "Lucky Potions" with a tag line "Experience the secrets of relaxation."

"That's odd. I've been passing by this corner every time I go to work and I've never seen this shop before. As far as I remember, that was just a free space before." Serena thought to herself for a moment.

"But who cares. They have a nice tagline although the name is so old fashioned. Maybe I should drop by just as I need time to relax."

Serena parked in front of the store and surprisingly, there are no other customers. She browsed through the whole section of relaxing incenses. Afterwards, she proceeded to another section of body scrubs. After moments of browsing, she saw a lady at her early 30s who has a nametag Bea.

"How can I help you miss?" She held her hand to her "I am Beatrice Lee but you can call me Bea."

Serena broke the hand shake. "What a nice shop. You have a wide range of relaxing merchandise. And I am Serena by the way."

"Thanks. So what do you want?" Bea asked.

"I just want to relax thus coming weekend and when I saw your shop, I got curious to try your potions?" Serena asked being uncertain.

"Oh the sign? Yeah I make potions." Bea replied.

Bea took Serena to another room and showed her shelves of potions.

"Are they for real? I just asked about them because of the sign."

"Oh yes they are. I make them on my own. Potions can do lots of things but mine focus on relaxation. They are perfect for people like you."

Serena browsed through the shelves and read the signs. As she was browsing, one bottle caught her eyes. It read "Flex-sssible Body".

"Why do you name your potions like these. They are weird." commented Serena.

"You noticed. That's because they do not only make you feel relaxed. I gave them twists that will bring out the animal inside you. What I mean is that they can transform you into part animals." said Bea.

"You mean anthros? I heard a lot about humanoid creatures but never knew they existed. So how do you make your potions?"

"I am sorry I haven't told you yet but believe it or not I am from a clan of good witches. As you know, there are also bad ones but don't worry, they have been conquered by good witches. We are now ruled by a good king. And witches are not allowed to harm humans or we will be punished."

"Well I've never heard about witches. So what does this potion do?" Serena asked.

"That will make you have your best rest in the weekend. It will transform you into a naga, a part snake. And as a bonus, it will give you more flexibility." Bea said with a hiss.

"So how long will I be like that?"

"If you drink it now, you will be normal again in Sunday afternoon."

"I'll take it then." Serena held her purse and bought the potion.

"And don't forget to remove your clothes if you don't want to rip them." warned Bea.

Serena drove home and prepared for her extreme relaxation. She first put everything in order as she didn't want to be bothered after she drink the potion.

She is now ready and she took all of her clothes off. She gave a good look at herself at the mirror as this will be her last look at it for the weekend. She always admired her figure. She has long and wavy brown hair. Her build was also very athletic and she has nice curves which her clients often complement. She got her last look as she gulped the potion.

She did not feel anything at first.

"If i have just known that that woman was a fraud. I spent a lot of cash ther-ouuch!"

She felt her teeth or fangs as she bit her tongue. She rushed to her mirror and inspected mouth. There were two pointed teeth. She found out that when she tense her muscles in her mouth they would extend and secrete toxic poisons. While trying her new fangs, she saw her tongue ripping itself apart. She looked at it with amusement as it grew longer. She can extend it too. She enjoyed flicking them out of her mouth and making hissing sounds.

Afterwards, her pupils became slitted and while her irises have become yellow. Her vision has improved very much. She was able to see things in better definition and her perspective became bigger. She has also acquired infrared vision that makes her see even in the dark through sensing heat. She enjoyed how she can shift from normal vision to heat vision.

Her nose and ears were gone next. They withered to nothingness but a holes replaced only the nose. She was able to breathe through them but cannot smell. She figured out that her sense of smell was resituated in her tongue. The part of her head where were her ears once were now just skin. She cannot hear now just like humans do but can feel every vibrations. She liked all the changes in her senses also in her appearance.

Next, she felt an odd sensation inside her. This was her transition from being warm-blooded to being a cold-blooded. She figured out how a cold-blooded can cool down or heat up its body when she was in secondary school. Cold-blooded animals often like to bask in the sun to warm up and increase their metabolism. When a it is too hot, it will lie parallel to the sun's rays, go into a shady area, open its mouth wide, lighten its skin color or burrow itself in cool soil.

Soon after, she acquired patches of scales scattered around her body. There were brown scales on some parts of her face. Her hair fell down from her head and there too were some scales.

Before she knew it, her legs have started to be one. They were joined until her knees and as she lost balance, she fell down forward. She looked as the merging continued. The joined legs have streched up to 15 feet in length. Soon enough, they were covered in scales. Her scales varied between light to dark shades of brown. Afterwards, her torso were covered next. The scales reached up to her neck.

Serena felt another stretching sensation at her back. From her back stretched out what would become her hood and met at where her ears were once. It had a spectacle mark behind.

She looked at herself in the mirror and was amazed at her reflection. She was now a complete naga woman.

Throughout the weekend, she just enjoyed herself. She was able to burrow herself underground. She did hunt her food in the forest nearby. She even went slithering in the street. Thanks to Bea's enchantment, Serena still appears human to other people.

After two days, she returned to her normal self and was fully satisfied with her weekend. She never relaxed like that before. She surely will miss being a naga.

"First satisfied customer!" Bea shouted in joy.  

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