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  Alice looked up from the book she was reading to pour the contents of a vial into a bottle that one of her dolls was holding. Five others floated around her, each holding similar containers, drawing closer to her when they were needed and backing off when they weren't.

Each doll had a different colored dress and a different design but each and every one of them were of her creation and they all followed her unspoken commands. The young mage wore a blue dress and white capelet of similar workmanship. She took a certain amount of pride in all of the things she could make with her own hands.

The blonde sat at her study, at an elegant little desk that served as her usual workspace. The state of the space reflected the kind of neat disorder that was present throughout her whole house — nothing was cluttered or dirty but the cottage seemed cozy and lived in. The books scattered across the desk may not have been neat, but they were all being used, and they would be put away when she was done with them. Such was the way of things.

She took a sip of water as she worked, setting the glass back down beside her workspace. Technically since she'd made the transition to becoming a Magician she didn't have need for food and drink anymore, but she hadn't quite broken the habit yet. Besides, needed or not, that didn't mean it wasn't refreshing.

Alice hummed idly as she went back to reading, breaking the relative silence of the cottage. In the other room, some of her dolls were washing clothes while others were relegated to other household duties. Alice often kept her dolls busy doing many tasks at once, while she focused on the things that required more of her attention. There was a lot to get done, as always, and it certainly wasn't going to get done without her.

Perhaps it was almost natural that sometimes she let the multitasking get the best of her. For the most part, she was pretty good about keeping everything contained, everything under control, but even someone as proficient as her made mistakes. They were usually just small ones, easy to fix ones. They usually weren't anything catastrophic.

Alice finished mixing two more of the bottles together and set it aside, looking to another passage in the old, dusty tome that detailed what would come next. She lost herself in the book deep enough that when she went to grab for the glass of water and came back with the newly-mixed concoction instead, she didn't even notice the difference. She downed the green mixture easily and it was only the strange, minty aftertaste that made her pause after the fact.

That's strange, she thought. Water doesn't normally have an afterta—

She blinked down at the glass of water that still sat next to her book, still holding the glass jar with the last remnants of the green fluid inside. Her gaze moved from the water to the bottle in her hand and she dropped it, watching as it clattered away onto her desk.

"Oh dear...." She said, unconcerned with how some of the remaining liquid leaked out onto the desk. She had much larger problems to worry about now. "Well, that wasn't exactly planned..."

Alice couldn't even be sure of what it was that she drank. Only that it was magical in nature and that it was some uncombined portion of the magical formula that she'd been working with. Both of those facts were supremely unhelpful. They both only meant that whatever she had drank, it was probably very unstable.

Her dolls still floated around her, still holding the rest of the bottles, ready to help however she saw fit. She left them be. She rose from her desk, taking a step back, drawing her hands out in front of her, watching and waiting for whatever the half-made potion had in store for her. This wasn't the first time that she'd encountered such a mishap. She knew what to look for.

At first, nothing happened. Perhaps she was going to get off easy, and the magical components in that particular mixture were benign enough that there would be no effect. Or perhaps it was something more subdued, unnoticeable until triggered by something else. Her mind raced, trying to remember what all had gone into that phial.

"Frog's foot, dried elderberries...." She counted off the different ingredients to herself. Then she shook her head. "No, that was the red one...." How was she supposed to diagnose what it was that she had drank if she couldn't even keep track of what had gone into it? Perhaps next time she would have to take notes as well.

The Magician was so busy trying to work her mind around what had led up to that point that she almost didn't notice the feeling in the beginning. It started as a cozy warmth in her midsection, radiating out from her navel. It wasn't bad, in fact it felt quite pleasant. A little too pleasant, maybe. She waited for the feeling to pass, but instead it only grew with a gentle intensity, the pleasant, cozy feeling spreading through her core as it continued.

"Well... this is... interesting." Alice said, regarding herself as best she could as the feeling only intensified. Perhaps she wouldn't have to worry about trying to figure out a cure at all, if this was all that was going to amount from the potion.

Of course, as soon as that thought crossed her mind, a more concentrated wave of warmth passed through her and she shuddered. "Oh... Oh D-Dear..." She fumbled with the words as another pulse brought another wave of heat that was far more pleasurable than she would have liked. "So this is... one of those... potions then..." She commented, her words rushed and staggered as the strange warmth only seemed to intensify with each wave. This was okay, though. A little embarrassing, maybe, but so long as that was all that the potion's effects did...

Even as the magician felt the heated blush rise to her cheeks after an unnaturally strong pulse, her scholarly mind was still at work thinking, analyzing, drawing conclusions. Each wave that welled within her was stronger than the last, each one spaced out a little more than the previous. That only made it harder to predict and prepare for, though she doubted that she could do much in the way of preparing anyway, with how strong the feelings were getting.

Another wave of heat and that unnatural pressure welled up. The sensations that it brought nearly knocked Alice to her knees. She had to brace herself against her desk, and even then she was still unsteady. By the time the wave had passed, her breath was hot and heavy.

"This is... certainly interesting..."

The building pressure that rose up in her seemed to be the source of the strange euphoria-like feeling. Each time she felt the potion start to affect her again, the pressure would build up to an almost-unbearable point, and then somehow further than that, and then another wave of intense bliss would wash over her.

Alice was not usually one for such feelings, and while they weren't completely unwelcome she felt almost helpless in their embrace. She braced herself against the wooden desk again to stave off yet another flood of pleasure, not realizing the rather suggestive way that she favored the wooden corner. "Oh... Oh goodness..." She drew back, sweaty and slightly aghast. This wasn't like her at all! She decided to move away from the desk to prevent herself from doing something similar in the future but even then she found it hard to stave off the desire. That knobbly wooden corner had felt so right between her legs...

Speaking of her legs, she couldn't help but notice a tightness there, something unlike the strange interior tension that she had been dealing with. This was something else, something outside of her... her clothes?

Indeed, upon inspection, the new sensation had to do with her clothing, as if it had shrunk and she was now wearing leggings that were two sizes too small. But that wasn't it - that couldn't be it. All of her clothing was precisely tailored to fit, and the potion shouldn't have affected that at all...

She struggled to stay on her feet without the aid of the treacherous desk as even more pressure built up. This time, she felt it acting on her. She could feel as the strain became too much, and felt as her body responded in kind with a slight swelling in her chest, hips and butt, among other places. And as her body ballooned to further accommodate whatever was going on inside of her, that was what brought the unruly waves of ecstasy that she found so hard to stand.

She had been so distracted by the swaths of pleasure that she hadn't noticed that it was actually doing anything to her in the meantime. But now, upon having a chance to inspect herself, she found that she had a very different figure than before. While she was normally trim and somewhat petit, the same could not be said now. Her once-modest breasts had already grown several sizes larger, large enough that they stretched the fabric of her dress unnaturally. Her waist and hips had also thickened, and while it was still somewhat distressing, at least they did not threaten to de-robe her like her burgeoning chest was.

Another rush brought her to her knees, regarding her even-larger chest with her hands. She fought hard to regain her breath, and harder still to keep herself from doing something she'd regret with her hands where they were. "Oh my... I'm sure there's an antidote for this... This can be fixed..." Though, as she looked to her hands, she noticed something else, as well. They looked almost... sticky?

She was covered in sweat already, thanks to the nature of what was affecting her, but this was something else entirely. Drawing a hand away from the cloth, she noticed the unnatural color of her skin, and the way that it left a similarly colored trail of... something across the fabric. When she went to pull her hand away, she blinked at the viscous strand that connected her hand to where it had been resting.

As surreal as it looked, she swore she could almost feel it as she severed the connection entirely and the remnants of it dripped to a pale blue smudge on the floor. Looking to her hands only revealed that they shared the same coloration and some of the same consistency, her skin not looking quite as solid as it once had been.

If she wasn't already so completely out of her league, the mage likely would have found the new development intriguing. Perhaps she may have even taken the time to study it — study herself, in her new changed form — but her transformation was not affording her any such luxuries. As it was, she was still struggling to get a grip on her new, expanded form in between the swells of unwanted pleasure — she hardly had the time to even process this new phenomenon, let alone think about what it meant.

Yet another wave came, this one even more debilitating than the last. Everything just felt so... full? Was that the word? Her quickly-becoming cool skin was tight within her clothing, but that strange interior pressure was still there as well, a sensation all of its own. Alice couldn't help but let out a whimpering moan as the tightness increased, welling up in her chest, until something finally gave and the strain subsided, with another, smaller bout of bliss, just enough to tease.

Alice panted, trying to regain her composure, while finding that it wasn't helping all that much. She glanced down to her arms only to find that the strange, gooey texture had spread to them as well, though a certain slickness under her shirt quickly distracted her. Moving one of her hands to her chest once again, she discovered the fabric there was wet, her nipples underneath hard, or hard as they could be, now that they also weren't quite solid. "Oh d-dear... Th-This can't be..." She murmured, though she couldn't help but notice just how sensitive she was, just how nice those touches felt...

Her torment continued, the pulses advancing her changes until the mage was a much more shapely and far gooier form of herself, all of her skin having taken on that bluish-green hue and a strange kind of semi-transparency. Fortunately, even though she wasn't exactly made of people-stuff anymore, her body still seemed to function well enough anyway. Her body wasn't quite as solid as it had once been — she was a tad squishier now, able to squish and contort in ways that would normally be uncomfortable — but it was still content to hold its form, even if she did drip and ooze from places.

She was certainly still person enough to feel things, to her distress. As things continued, each swell grew to be less and less satisfying, starving her of the climax she desired, the escape that she so desperately needed.

Decency was pretty much out the window at this point. Her clothes barely held her curvy new form and were utterly drenched in the sticky, gooey concoction that now made up most of her body. The floor underneath her was a mess as well, from the dribbles and drools of the cool blue slime from her arms and legs, among other places. And still she felt the warmth within her, the warmth that had started everything, still working away.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad to help it along, she thought, one of her hands clutching her breast, while the other delved for more sensitive places. Maybe that would help all of this end, and it just felt so good.

She embraced the next wave that came, and to her surprise, that only made the tension even more rampant. She didn't try to fight it, instead using what strength and willpower she had left to try and push herself over that edge. She didn't even seem to notice as that same pressure built up in places within her body, as the pliable goo of her body seemed to shift to accommodate.

Her hair had long since become a thick, jellified rendition of the hairstyle that the mage usually carried, the locks long and slick but less apt to stick to herself and hang in her face. Alice found that she didn't mind much. She also didn't seem to mind as she felt her ears expand, the thick, pointy shapes vying for space amongst her new, thickened hair. Perhaps the sensation would have alarmed Alice had she still had more conscious control of the logical part of her brain, but that was sort of a lost cause at this point, as she groped and squished and prodded, making contented noises as she found what buttons to push...

The waves grew more constant, with the help of her new experimentation. She barely noticed them as time went on, as she became resolved with her one purpose, her one need. This was easier. She needed this.

After a particularly pleasureful squeeze, she felt her hands start to shift, and looked down in her lust-filled daze to notice them growing, changing. Her fingers grew and thickened, until the lines between them grew blurred and eventually nonexistent, as she felt them merge. Robbed of the ability to do much of anything for the moment, she looked to her amorphous hands as they thickened and lengthened, as the mitten-like shapes gave way to long, thick claws. They were just as jelly-like as her previous fingers had been, but much larger, and each of her hands only held three of the digits, along with another that served as her thumb.

The change didn't really alarm her at all. If anything, her new hands were even more useful than her old ones had been, at least for what she was currently working at. Her hands were larger now, so she could use them to better grip those expanded curves of hers, and the longer claws worked wonders when trying to reach other places around her unwieldy form...

Her clothes were growing to be more and more of a hassle. Unfortunately, with her newer, bulkier digits, there was little hope of disrobing herself, lest she try and rip through the clothing, but even in her current muddle-headed state, she didn't even consider that. Without the ability to free herself from her now-saturated clothing, the best she could manage was groping and prodding through the fabric, which while somewhat satisfying, wasn't even close to being enough.

It didn't help that she hadn't stopped growing. While her curves and squishy bits had seen less growth since she had busied herself, her slick form was still growing underneath those layers of cloth that seemed determined to hold her in. Was that a property of the clothing itself, or did it have something to do with her current changes? She didn't dwell on the question very long, instead trying to take her mind off the growing pressure in her legs and thighs by distracting herself properly, opting to use both of her clawed hands to massage her chest, driving herself breathless as she felt yet another wave take hold.

The pressure beneath her waist seemed to give, giving rise to a tingling wave of bliss followed by a sensation much like what she'd felt in her hands only moments before. Except... this was a bit more. A glance down to her legs showed that they'd grown far more expanded than she'd expected them to be. And, well, they weren't exactly legs anymore. Beneath the covering of her dress, her 'legs' extended beneath her as a solid mass, as thick as her waist. They had long since conjoined, coming to a stubby end where her feet would have once been. The clothing that she'd once worn down there - her leggings and shoes - was completely gone, though Alice was a bit too preoccupied to come up with theories about why or where it had gone. Somehow, she could still balance herself.

Even the revelation that her legs were no longer leg-shaped wasn't very worrying for the rapidly changing mage. She groaned and groped and made breathless noises as she tried to coax that release... She let out another gasp, finding that she had to stop long enough to catch her breath. She was so close... The prospect of release was so tantalizing, If she could just get there, then surely everything would be fine...

Her legs, or what had once been her legs, grew beneath her with every heart-pounding pulse, with every grasp, every breath. Each second that passed saw her legs elongating until the notion of them was lost entirely and the mass became long and pointed enough that it could only be referred to as a tail. Every motion only seemed to add to the pressure in her burgeoning tail, the parts closer to her thickening even as it extended in length. The slick appendage left slight smudges across the floor behind her as it grew, though it held its form as well as the rest of her did.

She could feel it growing as time went on, as her once nimble legs spooled out into a massive tail at least twice her length, even as it was still growing. She resumed her endeavors, only driven on by the new development.

She almost didn't even notice as her clothes shifted in kind, the soaked cloth shifting to something thinner and stickier, taking on some of the same coloration as the rest of her. Parts of her clothing merged with her sticky body, ushering more pleading noises from the changeling mage. Everything below her midsection had been absorbed into her waist and tail, finally allowing her access to that delicate space between her hips that was still very much present. Her top and sleeves, meanwhile, had become something more, a sort of stretchy covering that she could feel.

Alice wasted no time taking advantage of the opportunities that her new clothing (or lack thereof) afforded her. One of her clawed hands groped her even-more-sensitive chest, while the other trailed down her form. She trailed her clawed fingertips over her wet slit, unconsciously cautious of her new form. When her touch resulted in more of that heated, aching pleasure, she was only all too happy to continue.

This, of course, only sped and amplified her changes, causing her squishy tail to grow even longer and thicker. And just as she helped to coax herself over the edge, she felt that same feeling take hold of her face, that same pressure build up and push out, as the welling within reshaped her nose and mouth into a snout.

For a moment she was lost to everything, reduced to a weak, shivering pile of half-snake, half-woman on the floor, not caring about the resulting mess that she'd made. The warmth within her faded, and with it, the prospect of any further changes, leaving the gooey snake woman to pick herself up and realize just what all of those changes entailed.

As more of her sense returned, Alice blinked, surprised that she could see the unnatural way that her face stretched away from her. She brought a hand up to grasp at it, only to once again notice the claws. Then her gaze shifted to the ground, where her tail was spooled around the room, several times the length of her now.

"Oh my... this is..." She started, not liking how strange and distant her own voice sounded to her. This would take some getting used to.  

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