chapter 2 : anger

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My eyes opened out of shock , and almost immediately afterwards I looked around to see if I was truly back down to earth.

''uh-um Gale are you ok? Fukami asked, her hand firmly grasped on my shoulder.

Seeing Fukami's all too innocent face confirmed it, everything was back to normal.

''alright that was freaking weird'' I thought I had said only to my self.

''what was? Fukami asked.

''nothing mind your own business'' I said.

''ok'' she said.

But Gale? She asked.

''what? I asked whilst raising my voice.

I must have been in more peril from that crazy experience than I realized because I didn't notice a bunch of students snickering at me until a couple minutes later.

''quit it you morons!'' I said loud enough for them to hear me.

''gale'' Fukami called out again

''WHAT?!'' I yelled.

Fukami flinched a little but composed herself and pointed at my pants.

''ah crap!!'' I yelled.

I pissed myself...a lot. For once, I understood why I was being laughed at, and that understanding only embarrassed me even more. I covered myself up as much as possible and ran for the boy's bathroom as fast as I could.

''please let there be a spare change of pants in here!'' I begged as I went searching through my book bag.

''oh thank god!'' I said

I changed, found a plastic bag to put my wet pants in and put it in my bag,before I headed to my final classes for the day. Surprisingly I was able to get through the day without anyone calling me out for the smell. When I got home mom was making dinner and paid my entrance no mind. I tried to go upstairs to my room but dad's call to me stopped me.

''what do you want? I asked.

''Just come here for a minute would ya? He ordered.

I groaned as I went into the living room to see what he wanted. In the end, i should have just ignored the bastard and kept going up to my room but I didn't.

''how was your day at school son? He asked.

''fine'' I said quickly, refusing to look him in the eye.

This creepy grin formed on his face as he said ''that's good''

''whats wrong kiddo why do you look so down? He asked as if he actually cared.

''oh wait I think I know'' he assumed.

''You want me to lend you one of my girls? He asked.

Even more rage swelled up inside me after he asked that stupid question. I did what I should have done in the first place and went to my safe haven. The last thing I could hear my dad say was '' well too bad I'm not giving even one of them to you! The next day I hurried to school, not bothering to say bye to my folks on the way out.

Fukami and Sara were chatting it up when I got there, and yet another first happened: I actually didn't mind seeing their faces to start my day.

'' yo, morning you two'' I said.

''good morning Gale'' Fukami said.

sara didn't join in on the pleasantries and gave me an ice-cold stare.

''I see someone doesn't trust me'' I said

''nope , not as far as I can throw you pal'' Sara said.

'' Sara give him a chance'' Fukami said as she shyly chuckled.

Sara frowned '' fine , but gale I swear to god if you so much as hurt one more hair on her head you will pay dearly!''

Got it?!'' she asked.

Man, I feel like she'll never let me off the hook, I don't blame her though''

''got it'' I replied.

'' good, now get lost, just because I'm willing to give the so-called new you a chance doesn't mean I'm not sick of seeing your face''

I left the two of them to their girly devices and went to my first class. Needless to say my mind was not on these lessons. I usually paid attention in class despite what others may tell you. I actually thanked God that Sara and fukami were there to ''greet'' me because if not I would have been staring at the school building like some weirdo. That...thing that made me piss myself yesterday was all I could think about.

I got scared as lunchtime drew closer, thinking the same shit would happen again. this time I was in the clear , or so I thought. Strange as it sounds that incident filled me with determination. My crappy life was the way it was because I had done nothing to change it. It was my willingness to accept the bullshit that I saw every day I came home that had me in that situation in the first place.

I wasn't going to accept it any longer.

Once my school day ended I scoured the place for my new friend. i found her outside sitting alone on a bench with her bag next to her as if she were waiting to be picked up.

''hey'' I said as i sat down next to her.

''hey gale , how were your classes today? She asked.

''good , although I couldn't really concentrate'' I said.

''really? How come? She asked as she watched a bird fly by us.

''I've got a lot of stuff on my mind'' I said.

''hey fukami? I asked before she could ask me any questions.

''yeah? She answered.

''I uh I know school's over for the day and everything but..

''yeah? She asked again.

''do you have to go home right this minute? I asked.

''I was thinking we could hang out for a bit'' I said.

She looked at me like I was crazy.

''sure , we'd need to get our parents' permission first though'' she explained.

''oh well you can go ahead and call your folks'' I said.

''I already got the ok from mine'' I lied.

Permission? Don't make me laugh.

''ok, hang on a sec'' she said.

With that, I thought my normal school day was going to have a nice and fun upgrade. then my optimism got the better of me yet again.

A/n: please comment and vote. thanks!

all my ego's faultWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt