chapter 13: Money sucks (finale)

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 The arrival into the past is successful once more.

Groan* is everyone ok? Suzuki asks.

''yeah, im fine'' Gale reports.

''yep , im good to'' Fukami adds.

''all good here'' Owens says.

''wish our entrance was a bit nicer but yeah we're ok'' David says.

''that really hurt my ass though'' katsu points out.

''sure did, other than that I think we'll live'' Denzel adds.

''If it wasn't for this old car it would have been softer'' Grace answers David.

''well that's terrific for all of you but we need a minute here'' Anda complains.

''seriously that bump hurt more than just my ass'' Ryan whines.

Grace looks around and says'' well hurry it up, whoever's supposed to show up will probably be here soon.

Everyone else also looks around the vehicle and Owens says '' I recognize this car.

''If I'm not mistaken, this is the Oldsmobile 442'' he continues.

He tries to get out but can't.

''we're locked in'' Owens says.

''I expected that'' Grace says.

''I did to but still, I wanted to confirm what car we're in'' Owens says.

''you don't need to , I think your right and plus you'll get that confirmation soon enough'' Suzuki says.

''hmph , you sure know how to ruin an old man's fun'' Owens gripes.

''if you guys are done, we have some questions of our own that are way more freaking important than what kind of car we're in!'' Anda yells.

''like oh let's see here..WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!'' She asks.

''if you would stop getting so emotional you'd see that's exactly what I was trying to figure out'' Owens scolds.

''if this is indeed an Oldsmobile 442 then that would mean we're in the '70s'' he explains.

Anda and Ryan don't know how to respond to that, though they just experienced firsthand that her father isn't lying.

''well I didn't bring my phone with me so I can't check for ya'' Anda says.

''ah crap! Ryan , Fukami and Gale you guys don't have your cell phones on you do you?! Grace asks.

''no  I don't'' Fukami says.

''I don't either '' Gale Affirms.

''neither do I'' Ryan verity's

''good, once again I got so caught up in my work that I forgot to tell you not to bring your current day cell phones into the past'' Grace mentions.

''If you had that'd be a huge problem'' she continues.

''I don't think I need to explain why'' she knows.

''no , that we get it'' Anda says.

''I don't remember the exact term for it but I know that bringing a cell from 2017 into the 70's would cause so many unnatural things to happen'' Ryan explains.

''bingo , and those abnormalities are known as time paradoxes'' Grace explains.

''that's it'' Ryan says.

Even with what they just experienced Anda and Ryan still find it hard to wrap their head around the idea of time travel , but they go along with it regardless. They have no idea that what they are about to see will put any doubts they have to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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