(Avengers) Sentiment +4 Final+

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Tony spun around, to see, a bloody, burned, yet alive Tonia. She was smirking, hand on her hip. "It's gonna take more then that to get rid of me."

Tony hopped over the couch, hugging her. "Tony that kinda hurts." Tonia laughed. Tony pulled away. "How'd you do it?!"

Tonia smiled. "Well, as I was being blown up, I felt someone grab my arm. I don't know who it was, but they seemed familiar."

Thorina looked around the room.

They didn't notice that Lokia had burns lining her arm. "Lokia, you saved her?!" Thorina was almost shouting. "YOU COULD HAVE DIED!"

Lokia blinked. "I didn't, and in the process I saved a life." Lokia's skin turned light blue, and the burn healed. Her blood red eyes landed on Tonia. She stood, walking towards her.

"Wait the fuck?" Tony said. "Language," Steve muttered. Lokia blew onto the burns, and they healed slightly. Loki watched as she paid no attention to the gawking men. He admired this, she didn't care what they thought, she just wanted to be helpful.

"What are you?" Steve asked. Lokia turned. Before she could answer, Loki spoke up. "We are Jötunn, or Frost Giants." Thorina and Thor yet again smirked. "They get along so well." Thorina muttered.

~ Week Later ~
An anonymous picture flared from a user on insta. It showed Thorina and Thor sitting at a cafe, sharing a smoothie. Only one straw. The moment Lokia saw the picture, she exploded on Thor.

"You even DARE to hurt my sister, I will make your life a living hell!" Thorina smiled, Loki losing it at the look on Thor's face. "I promise you, Lady Lokia, that I shall not hurt Queen Thorina." Loki blinked.

Thorina blinked. "Q-Queen?" Thor chuckled. "You are worthy enough to lift Mjolnir, then you are worthy as a queen." Lokia smirked. "And your king? Perfect! Now just hug or kiss or whatever your men do. Mewling quims." Lokia strutted away. Loki shrugged following her.

"I'm a Queen?" Thorina asked. "No," Thor smiled.

"Your my Queen."

(Joki I bet your fangirling at this moment)

Clint noticed something was wrong with Cline. She didnt want to run around and shoot people. "Is something wrong?" He asked her. Cline smiled. "No!" She winced as she stood.

Clint poked her side, causing her to yelp. "Let me see." Clint said.

Activate protection mode.

Cline sighed, lifting her shirt to reveal a large cut going from her side to her stomach. It was poorly wrapped. "You need to go see Bruce, he can help
" Clint said. Cline shook her head. "I don't like the IV." Clint shook his head, picking her up bridal style. "I'll hold your hand, okay?" Cline nodded, snuggling her head in his chest.

(Activate Fangirl Mode)

Tonia and Tony snapped secret pictures of Cline and Clint. After a few dozen, they returned to the lab. "Were you really scared?" Tonia asked Tony.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Pfffft, n-" he paused. "-yes."
Tony looked back to the suit. His face turned as red as his suit when Tonia kissed his cheek.

"Thanks, Peppertony."

(Fangirling lol. I'm fangirl most for the last one because I love Loki that misunderstood Jötunn)

Lokia read in the closet. She kept thinking about Jötunn form, and Loki. It was getting annoying. "Why do you stay in the closet? Its way to stuffy in here." Lokia looked to Loki. "Because it has privacy. Something I cherish." Loki nodded. She thought he would leave, but instead he sat next to her.

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