P for Pansexual

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"I love everyone !"

That's pretty much what I used to think when someone would tell me they were pansexual and a lot of people still think that.

Of course, some pan (short for "pansexual") are attracted to every genders. Their attraction is not based on how the person identifies but rather and simply on how the person is and looks like. Pan people sometimes call themselves "gender-blind" meaning that gender/sex isn't a criteria to their sexual, aesthetic and romantic attraction.

But it's a bit more complicated than that and the exact definition of the label "pansexual" is still widely debated. Or rather, it is to what extent is the term "pansexual" inclusive compared to "bisexual" that is questioned.

Again, I really think you have to be pansexual to really understand the feeling. I am not and if you are, feel free to comment so I can modify this chapter and so everyone can learn.

But in my view, a pansexual person is someone who is attracted to two or more genders, including transgenders and non-binary genders. To me, being bisexual and feeling attraction to a trans/non-binary gender is being part of a small group of pansexual. And a pansexual attracted to only two genders can call themselves bisexual.

But please do not push this definition on people. First, because this in only my definition (some people for example rather think that pansexuality is a branch of bisexuality, not the other way around) and second, because people are free to feel what they want and free of considering being part of the pansexual community or not.

The P in the LGBTQA+ community can also mean polyamorous (often shortened to "poly" though this abbreviation seems claimed by Polynesians), which means that one can have feelings and be romantically engaged to two or more people at the same time.

Though many pansexual people also consider themselves polyamorous, not every pan is poly and any other sexuality can be completed with the adjective polyamorous. You can even be a cishet and be polyamorous (and some people will say you now belong to the LGBTQA+ community).

But unlike pansexuality, polyamory is not a sexuality, but rather a way of living, a term showing that you are able to love more than one individual at once.

Anyway, pansexual and/or polyamorous people are not undecided (or cheating on their first partner). They exist and are valid.

And, just as for the label "bisexual" (or any other label) it is completely okay to consider yourself pansexual and then realize you're not. But again, be careful considering yourself a sexuality/gender you're not and be careful not hurting and/or invalidating someone or a group as you re-label yourself (see chapter "Questioning").

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