Don't Give Up

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{TRIGGER WARNING : Mention of suicide and Self Harm  }

The fight was coming to an end, I given all I could not to give in to the desire but I was starting to crack. I stood in the bathroom topless back against the cold door the shut out the outside world. The bath water ran as I looked down at my scar covered arms shaking as if the ghost of my soul was leaving shivers as it left my body. I took a sigh as I shut off the water,it was time. I paced the bathroom as I started to think on what would happen after I leave my brother would he be feel relief for me knowing I finally found peace or would he be hurt that I gave up when he risks his life so I can live mine freely? Would my little sister be able to live a care free world with out having to worry about my pain or would she fall into a darkness as her role model is no longer on earth? My mother would she be glad to get rid of her gay son that caused her so much shame or would she be broken to lose her baby boy that she had worked so hard to raise and show endless love to? And Kyle my love would he understand why I left and be happy for me or would he be broken and feeling alone? No one knows what would happen until it happens. I took a deep breath as I finally got in the tub the water slowly covering my body I got in a position and closed my eyes for a minute...

"Damian! Don't give up!!" Kyle yells after busting through the door and rushing to my side. I laid still in shocked by it all as he pulled me out of the water and onto his lap holding me close. "You should never give up! You wetter you know it or not are loved by so many people, you give people a reason to live you just don't know it from that lonely girl that you say hi to every day , the elder you hold the door open for when you go to Starbucks, Your friends you hang out with, your mother that you make so proud, your sister that you take care of and shield from the evil in this world , your brother who relies on you to keep fighting for our freedom and me the boy you made feel wanted and made feel less lonely in a cruel and unwelcoming world you are loved so don't give up..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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