Hallo Hallo Hallooooooo bishesssss

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soooooooo...... fuck me, aye? I legit couldn't think of a name for a sequel so..... just fucking deal with it, bitch.

I'm sorry, just a little grumpy and mad. I don't mean to take it out on yall but hallooooo. if you don't know what's gonna be happening in this story, go read the first book Unknown number. if you do know what's happening and have been waiting for the sequel, well here ya go and uh..... well welcome back. I hope you enjoy this story and if someday, maybe, when this book ends I'll make a third one but that's the future so you never know. anyways, enjoy reading this trashy ass book which idk why yall like it or how I got 4.6k reads on the other one but thank youuuuu. now, fr, enjoy the book. I love yall and your brown eyed girl is out.... well I mean.... it can either be brown eyed girl, blue eyed girl or green eyed girl since my eye color changes. right now its brown SO YOUR BROWN EYED GIRL IS OUT! BAH FELICIA!

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