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Within the the walls of the HIdden Leaf Village. Two figures stand on top of the Great Hokage Stone mountain. The two figures are the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and his close friend Izuki Senju, the only child of the second hokage, Tobirama Senju. The two men was watching the sun as it was setting for the day, another peaceful day in the village.

"So are you excited?" Minato asked his friend.

"About what exactly?" Izuki confusedly questions his friend

"About your daughter almost being born. You and Kiki must be excited. Another Senju is about to be brought into the world. With your clan almost extinct now except You. Kiki. and Tsunade it's about time the bloodline to continue."

Izuki closes his eyes and smiles. It was true, he and his wife will be parents to a little girl in a few days. With the death of his little cousin. And Tsunade love, Dan's death in the Third Shinobi War. Izuki knew it was only up to him and Kiki to keep the Senju blood from dying.

" Tsunade wasn't able to move on from Dan. So it was only up to me Kiki to do so. I just hope one day her fear for blood will come to a end. It pains Kiki, she wanted Tsunade to deliver our child but she knows about her fear and decided against it."

Minato place his hand on his friend's shoulder, to show someone is here to talk about it and show support. Izuki smiles at his caring friend.

"With all the heavy stuff aside, what about you and Kushina? Naruto is due within a week. You must be excited as well. Both of us are going to be father's at the same time."

"Kushina is ready to have him here. But she always scared on how he will behave once he's older. I believe Naruto will do something great when he is a shinobi. I have the same faith in your little girl as well. But it makes you wonder. If she will have the wood style release like her grand uncle or master water release like Lord Second and her grandmother. But I know the two will be the best of friends as they grow up. They will get to live in peace. They don't have to worry about War, like we did."

"That is all I ever wanted for our children and future shinobi's to come. No war, fights between nations. Just peace. Besides Kiki and I decided on a name."

"Well don't leave me hanging. What have you decided to name her?''

"Her name will be (Y/N)."

After the two men had their conversation. They split and gone home to their wives who was waiting for them to come home.

Kiki was sitting on the couch, knitting a purple scarf for her little girl. A few days and she'll be with here. Kiki often thought on what her hair color will be, whose eyes she gained, and which personality she'll take after.

I hope she doesn't take Lord Second's and Lady Miko's. Their tempers are out of control once they are angry.

But Kiki did know is that (Y/N) will be a great shinobi. Just like her parents, Tsunade, and grandparents before her. And everyone in the Senju clan. But it did pain her that the Senju clan is only Izuki, Tsunade, and herself. There was hundreds of the clan but now it's only a very few left.

Which means (Y/N) is the only one that has to fulfill the contract between the Uchiha and Senju clans. The Third and Fourth Hokage, Head of the Uchiha clan, of course the reaming of the Senju clans knows about the contract Harashima and Madara Uchiha made so the alliance between two clans can remain at peace.

Kiki's heart breaks for her daughter. (Y/N) won't be able to choose her own love when she's older. Being forced to marry a Uchiha, who she may not ever love and bare his children for the sake of her clan and village. The contract benefits the village but it will be (Y/N) who pays the price.

Then suddenly, Kiki felt a warm on her shoulder. She turns and sees her husband, Izuki. She gives him a smile and says.

"Welcome home"

Izuki smiles back at his wife.

"You was deep in thought again. What's wrong?'

Kiki sadly sighs knowing she can't hide it from Izuki cause he will find out.

"I was thinking about the contract again. On how (Y/N) won't pick her own love once she's older. She won't be happy."

Izuki knew the feeling his wife had. It's the same thought he had since the two find out they will be bringing a child in to the world.

"I know Kiki. If my father, mother, and uncle, in fact most of the clan alive today, maybe things will be different. We could still work things around it. The contract states that a bond between Uchiha and Senju should be created that way no bad blood will happen again. It could let (Y/N) marry a uchiha of her choice or give birth to his child."

Izuki put his hand on his wife's belly as he sits next to her on the couch. He wanted his daughter to enjoy her life as she chooses. To gain friends, be a excellent shinobi, to find love, and have a family of her own and carry on the Senju name. But mostly, Be Happy.

"But (Y/N) will choose her very own path. Weather or not it's to go thru the contract. But knowing how the Uchiha are, they will try and force her to marry one of their own. Or they will try to do something to the Leaf before she's of age."

"I hope things won't get out of hand. We finally have peace after so many years and young lives taken. But let's stop talking about the contract. Who do you think (Y/N) will look like when she's here?"

Kiki tries to change the topic of the contract. The contract should be the last of their worries at this point in life.

"It's a possibility she will have my mother's hair color. You never know when the Uzumaki red hair comes when a new life comes."

"Lady Miko will be happy at least. Her beautiful red hair being passed down so many years after her death. Passed down to her granddaughter. Of how happy she will be if she could see it for herself."

The husband and wife enjoy the lovely moment they have with one another as their daughter kick against her father's hand on her mother swollen belly.

What the small family didn't know was that things will change October 10th. That cost them their, Minato and Kushina's lives. Which leaves Naruto and (Y/N) alone.

Naruto becoming the jinchuriki of the Nine tails.

(Y/N) becoming the jinchuriki of the Eleven tails.

So as you can read your a jinchuriki of the eleven tails. The eleven tails is going to be the chakra of the previous tailed beasts. Each tail is chakra from the previous tailed beast. While the 11th tail is its own chakra. You get it right? I have not decided what animal it will be yet. 

She Was Mine From The StartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora