Chapter One.

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Sasuke Uchiha walks the modern streets of The Hidden Leaf Village heading to the Hokage building to let Naruto know he returned. He couldn't help but think of the old Leaf village, where technology wasn't really needed except communion for missions. Times change changed indeed.

Even back then she always gave him a smile. But now it's nothing.

His dream of making her his wife, the one to restore his clan, faded quickly when she found someone who gave her his heart.

Tsukiyama Shuu

An unknown stranger who came out of know where stole (Y/N) from him.

Sasuke started to think back to the day where he attacked the five Kages to find and kill Danzo. Where he saw Naruto, Kakashi sensei, and Sakura again.


"Sasuke. I want to go with you!"

Said Sakura to the love of her life as he stands there with Karin on the ground bleeding, who can barely move due to her injuries.

"Guess what. No."

"Please Sasuke. I'm willing to follow you. It was a mistake not going with you three years ago. Please, I'm willing to do anything to join you."

Sakura. You are truly pathetic.

"I don't need you. There is only one person I want. And that's (Y/n)."

Sakura was shocked. He only wanted (Y/n). The (h/c) teen was training somewhere far from the Leaf as this very moment when the group went to find Sasuke.

"Why Sasuke? Why her? She doesn't know anything about you. She doesn't care about you, not like I do!"

Sasuke was starting to get angry. (Y/n) understand what he was going through. She knows what it's like to lose someone who was dear to her. Been alone since the beginning. While Sakura doesn't know how it feels to be Alone.

"She knows me more than anyone, besides Naruto. Her own parents were killed the same night she was born. Being forced to become a jinchurikii. Being raised by a sannin for a short period of time then left alone in the village to fend for herself. She doesn't even know her real last name is Senju. It was never Uzumaki. When I destroy the Leaf, I'm taking (Y/n) with me. While you and everyone else dead on the ground where you truly belong"


Skip to where Naruto and Sasuke talks. With both Kakashi and Sakura there as well.

"How can I become Hokage when I can't save one person I vowed to save"

"That's your problem, not mine. And I see you don't have (Y/n) with you. Her being here would make your so-called vow work. The only thing valuable of mine is (Y/n). And pretty soon I will have her again."

"There's NO WAY in hell she's going with you! Granny Tsunade isn't gonna let that happen."

"Well too bad. It's gonna happen once I see her again. And trust me I will find her. Even if I cost me my last breath"

End Of Flashback

As the memory ends, Sasuke bumped into a figure. It wasn't just any figure. A women's.


"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention either."

That voice. The voice Sasuke always loved to hear. (Y/N)'s.

Sasuke stands up straight to looks at her completely. She became more beautiful than back when they were kids.

Her hair is (Hair Color) (Long/short) than before. Her womanly figure has matured greatly. Her eyes still full of life and shine greatly against the sunlight. She still is perfect.

"Nice to see you again Sasuke. Sorry, I can't stay and talk, I have to take Ami to a play date with Himawari. "

As (Y/N) leaves with her 6-year-old daughter, Ami to Naruto's house her heart started beating fast once again. Just like it done back before her and Shuu married.

After all these years my heart still wants him.

"Mommy? Who was that man?"

"He is mommy's good friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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