💊The Lab💊

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So, Good News. Mission Accomplished: We Escaped from that room. Bad news? We still have no clue where we are or why we're here, & We're in a Dense Forest trying to find our way home........If we even know what or Where home is.......

The 4 of us were now outside of the metal seal & in the middle of the woods. As mira asked where to go now, an owl hoots in the trees; causing Kai to get scared and run off; voting to go in that direction. But something caught me & Adams' eyes. Mira was looking towards where the owl was hooting from. "Uhh, You coming Mira?" I asked, curious of what she is doing. "She's just lonely..." She said, which took my curiosity to suspicion. "Who's Lonely?" Adam asked suspiciously. "The owl. She's lonely" She said compassionately. We both just rolled with it, & Mira looked at the both of us feeling nervous. "Why do I know that?" She asked us. "Maybe you have an ability to understand animals?" I said, unsure of my answer. "You're Mira, you're good at puzzles, & apparently, you speak "owl" Adam chimed in.

What we said, made Mira fell proud of herself as she walked over to us saying "I'm starting to think I'm pretty cool". I couldn't help but chuckle at the statement. "Yeah, Too cool fo' school. Shouldn't we catch up with Kai?" I asked. "He's right, We should probably go before Kai realizes he's all alone up there." Adam said as Kai yelled out "Hey! I'm all alone up here! Where are you guys?"no second later. The 3 of us couldn't help but laugh a bit. It's been awhile as the 4 of us walked around aimlessly in the woods searching for answers. "It's really creepy out here, huh?" Kai said with a bit of tremble in his voice; "Like really, really creepy. Wish we had a map. A map would be really good right now because it's really really-" "Shot in the dark: Creepy?" I said, finishing his sentence. "Kai, just try to relax. There's gotta be a road nearby." Adam said, placing his hand on his shoulder trying to ease Kai's fear. All of a sudden, A snap of a twig was heard from Mira, but Kai thought is was something else. He ran over asking what the sound was. "I stepped on a Twig." Mira responded. Kai was better...sorta. "Oh. Right, obviously, i knew that." Kai said, trying to cover his fear with false pride.

As we wandered some more....Kai wouldn't shut up for awhile. "Hey! We should probably check our pockets for a map." He said, pulling out his empty pockets "For the last time, We don't have a map" Mira responded annoyed. "We should check again, it wouldn't hurt" Kai said reassuringly. "Kai, by Odins frosty frigging beard, You WILL be hurting if I even hear the word "Map" from you!" I said with a bit of anger. There was another twig snap that got Kai to act like a scared deer. "You stepped on another twig, right?" He asked. Mira responded with a "Nope." Kai's voice slowly started to shake due to fear. "Adam? Jake?" He asked us. "Don't look at me" I said, "Not me" Adam chimed in. "Then What Was It?!" Kai yelled, raising his head high, shutting his eyes tight. Mira sighed "Open your eyes." "And look down" Adam said. I stood by to look at Kai to see that he followed the directions to see HE stepped on a twig. "Not so scary, huh?" I said walking back to the group. "I figured it out, guys! It was just a twig i stepped on! No need to panic!" Kai said.

After what felt like hours of travelling, Mira started asking some even more questions that seemed more unusual. Mira asked "So, why us?" To which Adam was curious on the topic of conversation. "What do you mean?" "Why the 4 of us? We obviously don't know each other, so what other connection do we have?" Mira asked. From what she said, I tried figuring that out myself for awhile. I spoke up saying "I don't know, but there's a reason for mostly everything. Maybe it's the amnesia we have?" Adam spoke up "That might be true....What if we are connected somehow, but just can't remember?" He said as Kai got slapped by tree branches....twice & we met up to a stream. "Without our memories, it's pretty much impossible to know." Adam said as he hopped on the rock and jumped to the other side. "But how can all 4 of us not remember anything?" Mira said as she crossed. "Beats me. I'll take anything at this point" I said as I crossed the stream. "Maybe we have insomnia." Kai said, ignorant to the last word in that sentence. "Don't you mean amnesia?" I corrected. Kai just chuckled at me. "Uh, no. I slept really well, so i definitely don't have amnesia" He said, thinking he was right. Guess I was right: He is a bit of an dunce. So much he made a weird voice telling me "Someone needs to by a "theesorius"! At that moment, I just face-palmed myself. "Thesaurus"! Adam said, correcting Kai. Instead, Kai just responded with "Bless you." As he climbed over a fallen tree. "Was he serious? Or was that a Dad joke?" Mira asked. I responded with "Either way, i find it very disconcerning."

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