🛡This isn't Narnia🛡

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"It was dark...and..Warm? And I felt as if I was sleeping in an Adobe hut?"

I was tossing and turning again in my sleep...or trying to at least since I felt tied up. "Jake, Wake up." That sounded like Mira...I awoken sitting up next to Mira and realized I was not in a Adobe hut...more like an Adobe cell. "Can someone recap on what the hell just happened?" I asked. "I don't know, but I feel like somebody beat me with a bag of angry turtles." Kai said. "That's.....descriptive..." I looked around and seen that we were in a very big prison cell."I think going through that vortex might've drained our strength" Adam concluded. "So if we use it, We're out of energy to barely do much...great to know" I said with much annoyance of how the portal now works. "Who was that weird guy anyway?" Mira asked as she continued on. "He was creepy. Like evil-clown creepy" As a response to her, I said "Honestly I'd rather not guess." with some hint of caution & fear in the mix Adam then added on in the conversation once more. "I don't know, but he might not be so bad. He kinda helped us, remember?" He asked with a bit of hope. "Yeah, if you call this helping us." Kai said as he showed his hands tied up in rope behind his back to Adam. "How did we even get here?" He asked. Adam pondered this for a moment and speaks. "The last thing I remember was...talking cows" Although what he just said sounded completely Idiotic and Impossible....I took a moment to ponder as well...talking cows....

Nevertheless, Kai gave a chuckle of disbelief. "So talking cows captured us? That vortex drained more than your strength, dude." He said thinking Adam was Crazy. This whole thing we went through is Crazy! & more of it might come our way. "I don't know, Kai....Maybe he's onto something." I stated. He scoffs "Oh, Please. You can't believe talking cows captured us." "Maybe, Maybe not. But It could be anything." I say with confusion. I was about to say something else until I heard voices on the outside of the cell. "I think I hear something outside" Kai gasped dramatically; even though it's obvious he's faking just to tick Adam off. "Maybe it's talking mice or a talking Donkey." He said as he walked off so fly chuckling. "Geez, what an Ego..." I groaned.

That was when Kai yelled and fell flat on his ass back to us again. And the thing that scared him were Bull-like humanoids. "Well, they're not talking cows, but I was half right" Adam said, sounding as if he wished he was wrong. "This Isn't Narnia...I see no Lion, No Witch, No Wardrobe...So what's up with the Minotaurs?!" I exclaimed. The Minotaurs started speaking in a fluent mythical language that only they could speak in tongue. Last time I watched Narnia, One of them spoke clear english...Damn you Disney! Mira on the other hand, leaned in as if she tried to understand their native tongue. "What do you think they're saying?" Adam asked as he too, leaned in. "Sorry, I dropped out of 'Minotaur For Beginners' in 5th Grade." Kai says back with a handful of sassy attitude. I took notice to Mira leaning in to listen to the Minotaurs speak. "They're angry about all the human invaders that keep showing up. And apparently, we're the ugliest of the bunch." Mira said with a questionable tone at the end. "Uh Mira? How the flip did you know that?" I was honestly baffled at the fact she could understand them...wonder if she can even speak Minotaur. "I don't know. I just can" Mira said.

"And there's other human invaders?" Adam questioned. "Wait, they think we're ugly?" Kai added. I looked to Kai with disbelief as I asked him. "Really? That's what stumped you right now?" But before he could respond, the Minotaurs came inside towards us. "Besooto so!" The armored one said before his friend added on saying "Kaboono tokana!" Before we could say anything, both beasts grab us by the collars of our shirts and yank us out the prison and into the heat.

When we were being 'escorted' by them, I was both in awe and in fear that there was an entire community of Minotaurs living and thriving in harsh thermal conditions like this, just goes to show: Survival of the Fittest applies to them 100%. Mira turns her head to me and Kai saying "I'm going to try & talk to them" With all honesty, I was still trying to put together how Mira can understand the language of the Minotaurs...Maybe her speaking to them could be; although a longshot, a chance to try. "Maybe they'll let us go" She said before Kai stated otherwise. "Or maybe they'll eat us." After he finished, the Minotaur upfront shoved us all to keep moving. With no other choice, Adam gives her the Ok. "It's worth a shot, Mira. Go for it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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