#16: You meet his family

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"Ashton, I'm scared. What if they don't like me?" You were in front of Ashton's parents house. You were going to meet Ashton's parents and sibblings for the first time.

"Dont be silly Y/N. They're going to love you. I know so" Ash says grabbing your hand and entering the house.

"Ashton! I've missed you" A mini-looking Ashton came running from, what you assumed was the kitchen.

"I've missed you too, buddy" Ashton said giving the mini-him a hug. "This is Y/N" Ashton said referring to you.

"Hey Y/N! I'm Harry!" Ashton's little brother pulled apart from Ashton's embarace to give you a bone crushing hug.

"Hey buddy nice to meet you" You say kneeling down so you can give him a hug.

"Ashton was right, you are really pretty" Harry says smiling at you. You blush and respond.

"Ashton told you that?" You asked. Meanwhile, Ashton was with his family in the kitchen while you and Harry were still in the living room, right In front of the door.

"Yeah, over the phone, the day you two got together-" He started to explain but was interupted by Ashton's mom calling you so you can meet her. Harry left you thinking about what he said. You just tought that you were very lucky to have Ashton.


"Luke, did you take Y/N's V-card already?" Ben, Luke's older brother asked Luke while laughing at his reaction.

You were currently at the Hemming's residence for the first time. Luke had told you that his big brothers were always messing with him and this wasn't an exception. You were listening to the conversation that Luke had with his brothers and you were chuckling.

"Im not going to tell you about my sex life Ben!" Luke says putting his hands in the air.

"Look Ben! He's blushing!!!" Jack, Luke's brother starts messing with him also. You felt bad about it and you decide to interrupt them.

"Who says that I'm a virgin?" You say entering the room.

"Nobody Y/N, now, can I say how beutiful you look today?" Ben says like nothing had happened.

"Hey! Don't flirt with my girlfriend! You have one yourself" Luke says standing up so he can put his hand on your waist.

"I think Y/N is too young for Ben Luke" Jack says holding back his laugher. You just nod your head and keep chating with Ben and Jack about embarrassing moments Luke had as a kid.


You were calmly walking around the racks full of clothing wanting to find the perfect outfit when you heard a familiar voice calling you from behind.

"Y/N!" You turned around and saw Michael walking over to you. You wondered what on earth could he be doing in a women clothing store until you realized there was a women walking behind him in a quick pace, trying to catch up with his fast gait. She had long, blonde hair and her face strangely resembled his.

"Hey!" you greeted him. "I didn't expected to see you here" he laughed.

"I was just helping my mother here to buy some clothes" he pointed her and you greeted her as well.

Although he had talked to you a lot about his mother, you had not personally met her until now.

''It is nice to finally meet you" she said "Michael has talked to me a lot about you lately" You smiled and blushed lightly, but before you could say something, Michael spoke.

"We're having a special dinner tomorrow and we were hoping you could come, you know so we could talk and you'd get to know each other better" he said to what his mother nodded.

''Sounds good" you said. "I'll be there''

After that, you continued your search for the perfect outfit, but now you were more stressed than before since you wanted to look great for the next day's special occasion.


You were meeting your boyfriend's, Calum, family for the first time. They had invited you to have some dinner and spend time together, just getting to know each other.

As you sat in front of the table, you tried your best to seem good mannered; an everything was going pretty good -Cal's parents and sister were all super nice, they seemed to like you a lot and the food was exquisite- until it happened; as you took a spoonful of delicious food to your mouth, you didn't notice there was sauce dripping out of it and it spilled at your lap, staining your recently bought white dress.

"Shit" you mumbled under your breath, extending your arm to grab a napkin. Only when you saw four wide-eyed, open-mouthed, shocked faces staring at you from around the table did you noticed you had said it aloud; and they had all heard it.

You felt your face heating up from embarrassment and just stared back at them, completely frozen, not knowing what to say or do.

"Well... It had to be too good to be perfect, right?" Calum's dad interrupted the awkward silence and went back to eating, as if nothing had ever happen, starting a fit of laughter around the table. And although you were still ashamed, you were grateful that they didn't make a big deal out of your unexpected swearing.

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