Chapter two

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Who did she think she was? That blonde girl, coming over and telling us to get our butts off of the property. If anyone was going to leave, it was going to be her and her friends.

After discussing who was going to sleep where (the girls got the bedrooms; we got the living room floor, unfortunately), Annabeth and the other girls (I kind of forgot their names) walked back into the house.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Leo pumped his fists into the air and yelled, "Yes!"

"What are you so happy about?" Frank asked as the four of us walked to my car so we could get our things.

"Guys, we're living with four hot girls," Leo said. "Why wouldn't I be happy?"

Jason rolled his eyes and grabbed his backpack. "You're such a player."

"No I'm not. I haven't even had a girlfriend before!"

"But you want to try and get four girls at once," I pointed out.

"I don't want to date all of them. That blonde girl is scary. I like the one with the brown hair," Leo said.

"Three of them had brown hair," Frank said. "Can you be more specific?"

"The one standing on the end. I think her name was Calypso or something."

"Their names were Annabeth, Hazel, Calypso and... Piper," Jason said, turning away as he said the last name.

"Piper, huh?" I said, nudging his shoulder.

"Shut up," he mumbled, his face turning pink.

"He likes her!" Leo cried. "He likes her, he likes her!"

"You haven't even spoken a word to her!" Frank said.

"Shut up!" Jason hissed, his face burning with embarrassment. "I don't like her! And just like Frank said, I haven't even spoken to her!"

We gathered up our stuff, and started walking back to the house, teasing Jason all the way there.

"Jason and Piper sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Oh, I'm Piper! And I love Jason so much!"

"Jason! It's me, Piper! I love you!"

"Are we invited to the wedding, Jason?"

Finally, we shut up when we reached the door. (See, we're not terrible.) Leo opened it, and we walked in, and threw all of our stuff on the ground.

The girl with dark brown skin came into the room. "Could you at least put your stuff in the living room and not right in front of the door?" Then she walked back into the kitchen.

We moved our stuff.

Frank and I had called dibs on the couches, so that meant Jason and Leo had to sleep on the floor.

I flopped on the couch and kicked my shoes off. About twenty minutes later, one of the girls shouted, "Dinner!"

Leo groaned. "Can you bring it through? I don't feel like getting up."

"Same here," I agreed.

"Get your lazy butts through here unless you want me to throw your food out the window." That voice was definitely Annabeth's.

"Then you can go and eat it through there," a different voice said. I think that it might have been Piper.

The four of us got up, and walked through to the kitchen. I smelled something delicious.

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