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Jin rubbed his tired eyes and sighed. He massaged the back of his neck. He'd been sitting at his desk for hours trying to finish the assignment he had due the next day but it seemed to take forever to finish.

"Just fifteen more words, Jin," He mumbled to himself. "Fifteen more words and you're done."

He gulped down the contents of the glass on his desk and started typing. He typed a few random words that were fitting and finally completed his essay. He was about to hit send so that he could email it to his professor, when his phone rang.

"Hello? Who is this?" He asked, trying his best to sound polite when really he wanted to strangle the person on the other end of the call.

It was 11:56 am and he need to send the email and go to sleep yet here was this insufferably annoying person who was keeping him from his much needed rest.

"Is this Mr Kim Seokjin?" A voice asked. It was deep and had an authoritative tone.

"Yes, this is he."

"Mr Kim, this is Seoul Police Department. Do you know a Miss Kwon Eunbin?"

Jin frowned. He didn't know any Kwon Eunbin. Maybe if he spoke to the lady, he could recognise her.

"Yes, put her on the phone, sir," He lied. He could hear something muffled on the other end and then a new female voice spoke.

"Hello Jin? It's me Eunbin!" A familiar voice said.

Jin had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Now he remembered. Kwon Eunbin. An old...friend.

"What do you want?" He asked sharply.

"Hey I know it's been 5 years since we last spoke, but can you bail me out of jail?"

"One, why would I do that? Two, how the hell did you know I was in Seoul? And three, how did you manage to get arrested?!"

"One, because we were best friends Jinnie! And friends always help each other!"

Jin snorted. He clearly remembered why there had been a five year gap of no contact between them. Eunbin seemed to not notice the snort and went on.

"Two, I saw you at the supermarket the other day and I was waving at you but you didn't notice me."

Jin tolled his eyes. Eunbin had always been looking for his attention. Eunwoo, another friend, often joked about her having a crush on Jin. Jin bit his lip when he remembered Eunwoo. He shook his head, not wanting to remember the past.

"And three, it's a long story. I promise I'll explain once we get out of there!"

Jin was tempted strongly to refuse. She expected him to pay her bail after five years of zero contact? Another part of him, however, was slightly curious to know how she was and if she was still friends with the rest of their group. Also, she wouldn't stop pleading and whining.

"Okay, OKAY! Just stop! I'll be there soon. Do you have a rough idea of how much the bail costs?"

"500 won," she answered immediately.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows. How many times had she been arrested, exactly? He'd get his answers when he got her out.

"Be there in 15 minutes," he replied before cutting the call.


'There goes 500 won down the drain,' Jin grumbled in his head as he paid the officer.

"Yah! Go get Kwon from her cell," he said to another officer.

He turned to Jin.

"You should tell your friend to stop getting into fights so much.. She's a good kid really. But I think she's been mixing with the wrong folk."

Jin nodded, "Of course Officer Kim."

The dark haired man smiled, his cheeks sporting cute dimples.

"Just call me Namjoon. You might see me more than you think," he chuckled.

"JINNIE YOU CAME!" Eunbin said happily, running towards Jin and then jumping on him to give him a koala hug.

"Yah! Where's my hug? I gave you a nice clean cell and this is how you repay me?" The red haired officer pouted.

Eunbin got off Jin and hugged the red haired officer tightly.

"Thank you Hoseok oppa," she giggled.

"Don't forget me," Namjoon said, pretending to feel hurt. Eunbin pulled him lower to hug him since was really tall.

Jin stood there, amused at the sight. The little felon had managed to befriend two officers..interesting.

"I'll be going now," Eunbin said with a smile and happily skipped out of the station with Jin following her.

"So how've you been?" She asked.

Jin stopped and stared at her. Was she serious?

Eunbin realised he'd stopped walking and turned around with a blank look on her face.


"Explain. Now."

She sighed, "Straight to it then."

Jin folded his arms and nodded.

"I had an arguement with a few people and it escalated into a fight. The cops came and broke it up."

"Is this what your doing with your life? Fighting with a few street thugs or whatever?"

Eunbin shrugged, "It's not like it matters to you."

Jin narrowed his eyes.

"You called me to bail you and now it does matter to me."

Eunbin shook her head, "It doesn't. Just go back home Jin. Pretend this didn't happen."

She pulled her hoodie over her head and shoved her hands into her pockets before walking off. Jin stood there, staring at her as she walked off.

What was with that girl?

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