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Jin didn't expect that the next time he met Eunbin would be because he was in jail.

Yet there he stood next to the bars of the cell, having a glaring contest with another old ghost from his past, Lee Dongmin. Or, as he went by in high school, Eunwoo.

The dark haired boy sat on the dirty lower bunk. In the dark cell, with his leather jacket and the glare (that was slightly terrifying, but Jin would never admit it) on his face, he looked like he belonged in prison.

Finally, Eunwoo looked away, the rusted old tap dripping with water seeming to be more interesting than Jin's face.

Jin sighed and slowly touched the bruise on his cheek as he processed the last fifteen minutes that had just occurred.

Jin was walking home from the supermarket. He accidentally bumped into another person, a few items falling from her grocery bag in the process.

The man he'd bumped into crouched down and helped him pick up his groceries.

"I'm very-" Jin started but stopped when he saw who he'd bumped into.

Lee Dongmin, aka Cha Eunwoo.

Jin quickly placed all his groceries back in the bag and hurried off without saying anything.

He felt very odd, scared almost. He sighed to himself. First he met Eunbin and now Eunwoo. Karma was a cruel bitch.

"SEOKJIN!" A voice called out.

Jin turned around to see Eunwoo jogging up to him.

"Were you just going to leave without saying sorry? Again?"

Jin glared at the younger boy, "Shut up."

Eunwoo glared right back. He thrusted his hand towards Jin, a small can enclosed in his fist.

"You dropped this, douchebag."

Jin clenched his jaw, "I'm older than you, have some fucking respect-"

Eunwoo shrugged, "I don't hold respect for douchebags. Especially those who have a bad habit of abandoning their friends."

"You little shit."

Jin punched Eunwoo, square in the jaw. Eunwoo stumbled back slightly.

That was all Jin could remember clearly. The rest was blurry. The two of them had fought and then Officer Ki- Namjoon came and broke up the fight, dragging them both to the station.

When Namjoon asked who they'd like to call, Eunwoo immediately responded by mumbling Eunbin's name. Namjoon nodded and looked at Jin, who'd decided he might as well ask Eunbin since she did owe him the bail he'd paid for her.

Now Jin stood there, waiting with Eunwoo for Eunbin to arrive.

"Okay, bail's paid. You're free to go," said the red haired officer, whose name was Hoseok if Jin recalled correctly, unlocking the cell door.

As Jin and Eunwoo walked out, Eunwoo roughly brushed against Jin's shoulder.

"Um, some of your groceries weren't spoiled..here you go sir," Namjoon said, handing Jin the bag.

Jin nodded in thanks and walked outside to see Eunbin and Eunwoo talking about something in a hushed manner.

Jin cleared his throat.

Eunbin turned around, "Jin.."

"You've cleared your debt by paying my bail. I'll be going now," He said curtly.

Eunbin stood in front of him with her arms spread out.


"Yes. I paid 500 won for your bail and you paid 500 won for me and you are no longer indebted to me. I'll go on my way now."

Eunbin dropped her hands to her side and glared. Then she slapped Jin.

"Eunwoo's right, you really are a jerk," she said, angrily.

Jin groaned as he touched his cheek. Eunbin had slapped the same place where Eunwoo had punched him.

"What the fuck, Eunbin?"

"No. What the fuck, Jin? Stop being such a prick."

Jin rolled his eyes, "Whatever. I'm going. Bye."

He walked away from the station, his bag swinging slightly in his hand, leaving behind a slightly hurt Eunbin and an expressionless Eunwoo.

Who on Earth were they to question him and his actions?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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