Chapter 2: Donation

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The doctor left Areums family and went to another patients room.
He opened the door and saw a young boy on the bed with a cast on his right leg and a nurse helping him.

Doctor: Well what do we have here.

The doctor said checking the patients papers.

Doctor: You are lucky young man. You only broke your leg.

Jungkook: How long do I have to stay here ?

Doctor : Do you have anyone that can take care of you ?

Jungkook: No ..

Jungkook said in a sad tone thinking about the situation with his hyungs.

Doctor: It's ok you can stay here as long as it takes for you'r leg to heal.

Jungkook: Thank you.

Doctor: You had the luck on your side you know, despite the other girl..

Jungkook: What girl ?

Doctor: You and another girl got hit by the same car at the same time.

Jungkook had a shocked expression on his face remembering the girl that was in front of him before the car hit him and everything went black.


I was speechless .. I thought she stepped back the last minute.

Jungkook: How is she ?!

Doctor: Well she wasn't as lucky as you.. Her condition is really bad, we are afraid that she might not survive..

Jungkook: oh my god..

Doctor: What's important now is to find some one that can donate blood for her.

When I heard that she needs someone to donate blood it hit me ! Maybe I can donate if we have the same blood type. I wanna save her.

Jungkook: What is her blood type ?

Doctor: Her blood type is A.

Jungkook: We have the same type of blood. I wanna donate.

Doctor: Woah slow down there your health is still vulnerable from the accident, if you donate it might make you even more weak.

Jungkook: I don't care ! If the blood donation might save her life, I wanna do it ! I wanna save her.

Doctor: You talk like you know her.

Jungkook: I-I don't .. but I'm not willing to lose anyone else, even if that someone is a stranger.

The doctor agreed about me donating my blood for her and after some blood checkups they did to me. Everything was fine and told me that I can donate tomorrow. The next day around 10am they informed me that we are gonna start the donation and nurses helped me sit on my wheelchair and took me to her room. I was shocked when I saw the condition that she was. She had a lot of monitors supporting her, an oxygen mask and a big bandage on her head. They placed me next to her and the put a needle on my wrist and after certain preparations the donation started.

Nurse: I'll be back in 5 minutes ok ?

Jungkook: ok

The nurse left the room and we were all alone. I turned my head and looked at her. Memories flashed on my head from when the accident happened last night. I remember her face...There's something about her face.. so familiar.. I can't explain it ..she had no expression..she was standing there like a lifeless doll.. she seemed was like she didn't care of what was gonna happen..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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