Chapter twelve

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What happened to him? I wonder to myself. I look at Tao and Kris,fear lingering in my eyes. They take a look at Luhan then back to me. "What the fuck happened to him" Kris questions. I shrug slightly not being able to move much from shock and fear. "I have no idea but there's definitely something wrong with him" Luhan stands up and walks over to the wall repeatedly banging his head on it. I quickly walk over to him, grabbing him by the shoulders, whipping him around and leading him back to the couch where i push him down and make him sit.

"Luhan are you okay!?" I question grabbing his hand to feel its ice cold and i look up to see the colour draining from his face.

"His hands are ice cold. We need to get him help!" Tao walks over next to me and puts his hands on Luhan's shoulders shaking him lightly. "What the fuck! Stop playing tricks on us Lu! You're scaring us just come back already!" He yes as he shakes him slightly. Luhan grabs Tao's hands i suppose what was with a lot of force because i watch as Tao cringes in pain and pulls his hand out of Luhan's grip; grasping hold of it and shaking it to push the pain away.

Luhan stands up and instantly pushes Tao who was standing right in front of him to the ground. "Yo man what the actual fuck" I hear Kris yelling from behind me. Instead of responding Luhan walks away once again.

"We need to get him help!" I say quickly and urgently turning to Kris and Tao. "But how!? I mean we don't even know what's wrong with him. Or if anything is wrong with him; i mean for all we know this could be all some sick little prank the fucker's playing on us!" Kris yells out to me waving his arm over to where Luhan's walking.

I turn around to see Luhan walking into the kitchen. "Oh god, Lu what are you doing now?" I question as he walks away and into the kitch without giving me an answer. After a few moments i watch as Luhan walks back into the living room holding a gun.

"Where the hell did you even get that from!?" Kris yells as he runs over to Luhan trying to pry the gun from his fingers. "Just give it here you little fuck!" Luhan forcefully pushes him to the ground an puts the gun to his head, tears beginning to run out of his colourless eyes and down his very pale almost bone white face.

"Luhan! No!" I scream running over and tackling him to the floor so he doesn't get the chance to shoot himself. I hear a gun shot as we both go down but I have no idea as to where it went.

Did it hit him? Is he okay? Did it hit one of the others? My mind races with thoughts as we hit the ground with a loud thud. I lay on top of Luhan my face down and my eyes closed so i can't see a thing. I quickly sit up and to my relief the bullet had missed him and no one was hit. 

I listen as Tao and Kris rush over to us as I scramble off Luhan and take a look at him to see his eyes turning from white to black and he slowly closes them.

"Guys call an ambulance" I demand as i start feeling for a pulse in Luhan wrist which i can't seem to feel at all.  I place my head to his chest to hear heart beats to my luck but they were faint and slow. I listen as Kris calls for an ambulance, giving them the building address and apartment floor and which place it was.

I grab hold of Luhan's hand and lean in closer to his face as tears fill my eyes.

"Luhan wake up please, please wake up. Don't go i can't do this on my own. Don't say goodbye, not yet" I whisper as i feel the tears fall down my face. I feel someone pulling me into a hug from behind and i look up to see it's Kris "He'll be okay" he whispers in my ear as i start crying even more.

Passing minutes feels like hours waiting for the ambulance to come but i finally hear it growing closer to the building. Soon they finally  burst through the apartment door, quickly making their way to Luhan, picking him up and carrying him out. Kris, Tao and I follow them out and downstairs.

I'm not sure as to why but they had asked me if i wanted to ride in the ambulance with Luhan. I accept their offer and climb into the truck "We'll meet you there" Tao yells as they close the doors and begin speeding off towards the hospital. The whole ride to the hospital i hold Luhan's hand tears not stopping anytime soon and continue to stream down my face. We finally make it to the hospital and they rush Luhan to a room which I'm not allowed to follow them to so i walk up front where i meet Tao and Kris.


I sit in the waiting room holding my hands in my head waiting for some one to tell me what had happened to my little deer. I look up to see someone walk out and hear them ask "Who had brought Luhan here?" I walk up to her and by the look of disappointment on her face i can tell he had somehow died. I look down holding in tears that wanted to escape but i can't let them. Instead of staying and listening to the lady i turn around and run out of the hospital. I didn't want to see Luhan lifeless, i refuse to hear the dreadful words, i refuse to let my last memory of him be of him all lifeless.

I wanted my last memory of him to be happy and of us messing around in the park making all the adults mad at us. I wanted the last memory i had of him to be a happy one.

I run out of the hospital and all the way to Luhan's apartment. I burst open the door and fall over in tears. I slowly get up and stumble into Luhan's bedroom falling onto his bed. I hold his pillow close to me it smells good, it smells like my Lu Lu. I begin having a mental breakdown; i don't know what to do. I suddenly realize what i want to do; i want to join Luhan and i will do whatever it takes so i am able to join him.

I walk into the bathroom, drying the tears in my eyes, and grab my bottle of pills and a new razor. I rip the razor apart removing the three small blades from it. I hold one in my hand and drop the other two. I rip the bottle of pills open and quickly swallow the rest of the pills in the bottle which is only about ten considering i swallowed most of them the other day.

I pick the blade back and pull my sleeve to my jacket up; i pull the blade across my wrist re-opening all the cuts from a few days ago. All the cuts i add now are much deeper than I've done in a while and it feels so good. I glare down at the blood that seems to be oozing out of my arm. There's so much blood, its everywhere, and i like that. I add more and more cuts covering my entire forearm with them. A lot of them deep some of them not so much but that doesn't stop the blood. The sight pleases me so much and i smile at the sight of the crimson red that drips out of my arm.

I accidentally drop the blade on the floor so i reach down to grab it and as i do so i feel my hands begin to shake a lot. I stand up feeling my legs go weak and staring into the mirror. I lift the blade to my neck so i can pull it across my throat causing death in a matter of seconds but before i can i feel my eyes close and my body hit the floor just before everything goes black and i can't feel anything anymore.

((Authors Note))

Okay guys so thats the end of the story!


I was supposed to update yesterday but i got busy and didn't I'm terribly sorry. Considering i wasn't able to update yesterday and my lack of updating I'm going to update sometime later tonight. GOT IT? I'm making a promise.

So look for chapter 13 in about an hour or so. However long it takes for me rewrite and edit it. Which most likely wont take long cause i dint think the chapters very long.

Okay well thats it for now.

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