Chapter Eighteen

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The class i had been in ends and i start walking to the lunch room. I search for an empty table in the corner that i thankfully find and sit at. I didn't really want to be bothered by Kris or Tao today so i decided on sitting alone. I watch as they walk to the table we normally sit at, luckily not noticing me over here.

I turn my head so no one will notice me, and sink down in my chair a little bit. I watch as Chen also walks over and sit down with Kris and Tao. I watch their lips moving in conversation but i don't know what their saying.

They all look at me. Fuck my plan failed. Chen gets up and walks over to me, giving me a soft smile "Want some company?" I shrug "Not really but i guess its fine" I mutter as he sits across from me. "What were you guys talking about over there?" I point to where the other guys are while questioning. "Oh it was nothing" I shrug it off and blankly stare at the table.

Chen grabs my wrist thats laying on top of the table causing me to flinch majorly considering the fact he grabbed my right where i harmed. I quickly pull my arm out of Chen's grip as he gives me a confused look at my reaction. "Oh sorry it was just you scared me and i don't like people touching me" I take a look down at my arm thats covered by my jacket sleeves. I start tugging on them a little to hide the scars even more.

"Give me your arm" Chen then demands; i quickly shake my head "N-no i cant" He gives me a look "Just give me your arm" as i refuse once more Chen grabs my arm and begins to pull up my sleeve. I struggle to get my arm back but Chen refuses to let go and flips my wrist over. He sees all cuts and scars littering my arm. "Why'd you do this?" He gives me a shocked look then looks back down at my arm. "Too much shit in my life...please don't tell anyone. No one but you and Luhan know" He gives his head a slight nod eyes still scanning my arm. I slowly pull it away from him and tug my sleeve down covering the cuts once again so no one else would see.

"I wont tell anyone, but don't you think you might need help from someone? Like a therapist or something" I shake my head quickly. "No i cant! I don't need one! No one must know" He gives me an unapproved look and slowly shakes his head. "How many times have you been hospitalized cause of this?" I think back. I know its happened more than once. Has it happened...twice? Three times? Maybe four? Fuck i don't even know. "I'm not sure, like four? Five times maybe" I shrug and look down. Maybe i do need a therapist but i cant get one. "I'm not gonna force you to get one, but I'm just saying it'll be the smart thing to do " Chen stands and walks back to Kris and Tao leaving me alone once again. Like I've always been and exactly like i always will be.


The bell rings signaling end of school, i slowly gather my things and walk out of the building and towards my car. I see Chen walking up to me, giving me a wave and a huge smile. "Hey you still up for coming over?" he questions as he reaches me. I honestly want to be alone right now but i guess hanging with Chen wont be that bad. "Yeah, as long as you don't try to murder me" I joke while forcing a smile. "Oh don't worry i only will kill you" Chen jokes back, causing a laugh from me. "Okay well you can just follow me to my house i guess. I'm just parked right over there so follow the red car." He points to a small red car and looks at me. I give Chen a nod as he walks over to his tiny car. I get into my own car myself and start it up turning on the radio. I follow Chen to his house and park behind him in the drive way.

I look at the outside of his house; two story, white coloured walls, and a brown roof, not too many windows and they have a beautiful front yard thats littered with bright green grass, beautiful flowers and a huge tree. I follow Chen to the dark green door as he unlocks it. I gaze around the house as i walk into it. There are pictures of what i suppose is his family in random spots all over the walls. Its neat and clean, i take a look up to the roof to see two ceiling fans hanging above. Chen and I walk up the brown wooden stairs and into to his room.

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