Chapter 1: Awoken in an unknown world

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I felt a cold breeze blowing me in the face. The sunlight is shimmering on my skin. It's warm, yet cold.

I open my eyes, just to find that I am in the middle of nowhere.

"Wh- Where am I?"

I stood up and walked to a nearby puddle of water. It was somewhat unclear but in the reflection I could see a small girl with long white hair.

"Who am I?"

Judging by my height and pitch of voice, I would guess that I am about 12 years old. However, I don't remember anything. Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I doing here?

All I have seems to be basic knowledge and the ability to speak. Hopefully the same language as other people here.

I take a look around to get an idea of where I am. I see some mountains in the distance and also a big lake. Around me are lots of flowers and I am standing on some kind of path or street.

If I want to survive and get back to society, I should at least have a name. Though I don't remember my own name. Did I even have one?

I looked at the flowers again.


Why do I associate the name Hana with flowers? Well, at least I have a name for now.

I don't know how I got here, but what I do know is that I didn't bring any food or water. How am I supposed to survive like that. The sun is also very warm and there's no tree nearby to be in the shadow.

I guess I will have to just go and find a town, city or at least someone who can help me. Staying here will lead me to nothing but death.

So I started walking. Hopefully I would get somewhere before night. Since I don't want to run into any dangerous animals at night. Sure I don't wanna run into them during the day as well, but at night it just seems a lot more scary.

After some time I could see something in the distance. As I got closer I noticed that it was a carriage.

"Finally, I'm saved."

I waved at them and they stopped. A rich looking boy stepped out and asked with a concerned voice:

"What are you doing out here, little girl? Don't you know that it is dangerous?"

"I-I don't know... I just woke up out here and I don't know where to go."
I responded, pretending to be shy.

"Do you have a name?"

I remembered the fake name I thought of.

"Hana. My name is Hana."

"Hana? Nothing else? Just Hana?"
He asked confused.
I nodded.

"Well, I can't leave you out here alone by yourself. Would you like to come to my mansion? From there we can surely find your home."

I nodded again. But... Home... Do I have a place that I can call home? How will I even remember if I have a home? For now I have to go with him I guess.

We both stepped into the carriage and he gave me some water. On the way to his mansion he gave me some information about him. His name is apparently Alexander but he tells me to call him Alex. He is 19 years old despite looking as if he would be just 3 or 4 years older than me.

He does have a twin sister who is slightly younger than him. And the mansion he mentioned isn't actually his. It belongs to his parents, but they are supposedly on some kind of 'business trip' right now.

After some time we finally arrived at the mansion. It is a really big house. As I look around I noticed that there aren't many people here. Alex said that we are in the outskirts of the next big city, so there are only some old people and farmers living here. A nice and quiet place.

As we stepped inside the mansion, a girl about the same age as Alex ran towards him and hugged tightly.

"Alex, what has taken you so long? Usually you would have been already here. Dinner is getting cold you know."

"Well, something kind of got in the way, haha." Alex answered.

The girl gave me an evil look, probably telling me "Don't you dare take him away from me". If I wouldn't know that he had a sister I'd totally think that they are a couple.

Alex went up to her and whispered something in her ear. Her mood suddenly changed.

"Ahh, so you got lost and can't find back home? Don't worry child. We'll be happy to have you as our guest. My name is Luise, nice to meet you."

After introductions were done we had dinner. Luckily they had enough for me as well.

"Thank you for the meal, I'm glad that I found nice people like yo.. u..."

I got dizzy. In an instant I was really tired. The last thing I saw were Alex and Luise smirking at me. What is going on?

End of Chapter 1

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