Chapter 2: Enslaved in my new Home

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I woke up in a dark place. Not too dark. There was enough light to make out my surroundings. I am locked in a cage with a collar around my neck. In the corner are two bowls. One with water and one with food. At least it's soup and not some kind of dog food. Sometimes you just have to adapt to your situation. Panicking won't help. And I just woke up, so I'm still too tired to panic.

While still being in my wake up stage I observe my little, hopefully temporary home. I have about two square metres. However it's not possible for me to stand in here. Outside my cage there's not much to see. I guess I'm in a basement. Interesting though are the lights. They don't seem to have candles in them but they still light this place up a bit.

As my mind gets clearer I start to understand my situation. As if someone flicked a switch, I went from 'This is my life now ' to 'HOLY SHIT! WHERE AM I?!? '.


I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping that someone might hear me.

'This can't be...'

'Why would they do this?! '

'What are they trying to do here? '

Tears started to fall from my eyes. What if I would never get out? What if I'm doomed to die in here?

After some time I could finally calm down a bit. The door to the basement opened and Alex stepped in.

"Good morn-"

"GET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU DAMN BASTARD!!" I shouted at him before he could finish his sentence.

"Woah, harsh words. Where'd you learn those?" He responded with a surprised voice.

"Well, well. Your 'prayers' have been heard. I will let out once you've calmed down a bit. You are too aggresive right now. And know your place. I could get rid off you any moment so you better behave."

I was shocked.

'How could I let this happen? '

'Why me? '

'What have I done wrong? '

I fell to my knees, which wasn't that much of a fall since I can't stand in here. Tears started falling from eyes again as I couldn't get another word out of my mouth. Alex went back to the stairs to leave.

"Hopefully you know how to cook."

Those were his last words before he left the room. Is he trying to turn me into his servant or something? Is this how I am supposed to live from now on? I guess for now there is nothing I can do about it.

'I could get rid off you any moment '

What does he mean by that? Is he willing to kill me if he finds no use in me? How cruel can a person be?

So to survive I have to play along. He said I shall cook. But I don't know how to cook. Hopefully they have some books where I can learn it from. I would be doomed if I can't do what they say...

Preparing for a life as a maid I laid down to sleep for a bit. It wasn't really comfortable hence the ground being cold stone.

Well, 'live as a maid' wasn't too far off. As I woke up, I noticed that I wasn't in my cage anymore. I seem to be in a kitchen. They also changed my clothes to a maid dress. I was still wearing that collar, but now a chain connects the collar to the wall. Long enough to move freely but too short to leave the kitchen.

I guess I could strangle myself to death with it, but that won't help me here. I like to live, even if my situation is not the best right now. Suicide is just like giving up without even trying. What if I would be able to flee from this place and live life the best I can? That would be impossible if I were to give up now. I must stay strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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