You Get Married

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You nervously walk up the small aisle you set up in your back yard that was surrounded by cherry blossom trees which were in bloom. Your friends and family beside you, you father walking you down the aisle, and you fiance waiting for you.

When you reach the alter you're shaking and the music stops. You hear "Friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Y/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N and Avriel Benjamin Kaplan." Then after that you got lost in his green eyes that are just, mesmerizing. You come back to reality when you hear the pastor say, "The couple will now recite the vows that they have prepared." That's when the nerves really hit you. Avi clears his throat and begins. "Y/N..... We first met at a coffee shop. You were reading a novel and occasionally taking a sip off coffee. I couldn't help but gaze at your beauty. I was looking at you for some time..... Now that I think about it, that was really weird. I got the guts to walk over to you and I sat down next to you. You looked up and smiled. It was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Then after a few minutes I spilled my coffee all over your book and mentally slapped myself but that's ok. You laughed and said, 'I'll see you later.' I started rambling, you just gave me a piece of paper and said, 'Give me a call so we can meet up again and we can swing by the bookstore.'. Ever since that day I've been a happier man...... But it doesn't mean we don't fight because, boy do we fight. We get into some pretty bad arguments, whether it has to do with money or why your parents have to stay over for the holidays. But we always end up forgiving each other. So many thing have happened, both good and bad, and I can't wait to see what will happen next. You are my sunshine and whenever I'm in the dark I have you there to brighten up my world." You feel the tears spilling and you chuckle a little. You take a deep breathe in and start your vow.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy, except for the time I got a Barbie for my seventh birthday, but aside from that day I don't think I've ever been this happy. Avi.... I remember the day I said 'I love you'. We were having a picnic at the park. We were surrounded by light and roses and the sun was setting. We were laying down and it started pouring. You got upset because you wanted our first proper date to be perfect but I just laughed. We rushed to the car and you sat there apologizing for the date not going according to plan and I kissed you and said, 'I love you Avi Kaplan'. To this day I still love you and I always will." You said holding back tears.

"Y/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N, do you take Avriel Benjamin Kaplan to be you lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." You said.

"Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, do you take Y/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N to be you lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Avi said.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Avi Kaplan Prefences (For Aliza)Where stories live. Discover now