01: im so in

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"Come on Zoe !! I won't go if you don't go!!"Pleaded Alissa as we headed up the staircase to my room.

"I don't want to third wheelwith you and Max!! Again..."

Background on me a Alissa:
Our mothers were best friends and we basically grew up together, attached at the hip ,even now that she has a boyfriend. She doesn't want to make me feel left out and it's sweet of her but at times it's a little exhausting and humiliating to be 3rd wheeling all the time.

"Come onnnnnn" Alissa said dragging her last word. "Don't miss out on the the rite of passage that is high school and regret it later on" she said while wrapping her arms around my waist and puffing out her cheeks.

My efforts of forcing a serious face failed the moment she started to use our french teachers accent and she knew it. She could see right through me,both our lips in that moment curved into a smile and we both bursted out laughing.

"FINEEE!!!" but I added "only if I can take Jordan"

"Yeah that sounds like fun! Don't forget Megan invited us to that after party!! Do you wanna invite her to that too?"

All of the sudden the flashbacks of what happened last time we invited Jordan to a house party hit me like a ton of bricks. Us walking aimlessly around Walmart looking for her, holding her hair back when she puked the smell still haunting me too this day.
"Um.." I said shaking the horrible memory off "next time.Can you and Max take us?"

"Duhhhhh of course!! Now help me choose what dress to wear"Alissa said pulling out her phone to show me the options she had so far "this one sparkly but this one ...." Her words faded as I lost my focus on started to think about the dance and what I myself would have to wear.

Later that night I got a text message from Megan saying :
Alissa told me you and Jordan are going to the dance!! Can't wait!! ((; Don't forget after party at Avery's!

"What the.." I muttered under my breath. I mean I hadn't even asked Jordan about the dance,but I guess it was nice of her. I shot Jordan a text that she responded with a call and told me that she was "so in" but then proceeded on telling me about her asshole boyfriend and the story on why  they broke up for the third time this month. That's how I spent the rest of my night on the phone with her talking about her boyfriend and me of course being the good friend that I am,listening ... making sure to not to speak my real truth because she might be back with him next week. I ended the conversation claiming that I was going to shower and quickly ended the call so she wouldn't be able to continue on her rant on how this was the last time and extend the phone call even more.She texted after the hangup with:
We're gonna have so much fun!! You won't regret inviting me lol. XOXO goodnight

And with that I fell asleep, contemplating on what I had just gotten myself into but at least I had a for sure date .

never meant to become Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang