02:walking inna winter wonderland

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The days got closer and me and Jordon met up over the weekend to go shopping and have our dresses somewhat coordinate

When Saturday rolled around I spent the morning doing the usual chores and helping my mom around the house.As the time approached I started planning on what my makeup would look like and what jewelry I would use to accessorize the dress.

Alissa and Max wanted to grab a bite before the dance since they knew that the after party might not have any food only drinks that would mainly be if not completely alcohol. Jordan texted me that she was on her way over , we were getting ready at my house so Max wouldn't be driving around especially in this snow.She got to the house an hour after she had texted that she was on her way and as soon as I opened the front door to jordan repeating the words "I'm so sorry!!" Over and over as she ran through my door "My car broke down so I had to call him for help" (meaning her douchey ex-boyfriend)
"Jordannn!!" I screeched
"I know,I know but we started talking again and he's acting different"she said as I rolled my eyes closing my front door.

"Okay okay well tell me more later..once your ready, Alissa will be on her way in less than an hour!!" I said shooing her into the bathroom. " I need to finish my hair, if you need anything I'll be upstairs" she smiled so I took that as an okay and ran upstairs to finish getting ready. We got dressed both admiring ourselves in the mirror and I gotta admit we looked goooood. Jordan wore a black tight off the shoulder dress that accentuated her petite shoulders and her once black curly hair, was now straightened and it gave her this sultry look that made her look older  in,a good way.I ended up with a tight white wrap dress. I was finally confident enough to wear it since my whole "diet and fitness journey" I had been on since my last break up. The dress accentuated my curves in a really good way like a glove. I curled my brown hair back and let it cascade behind my shoulders. I needed my hair down since I still felt self conscious and my hair in a way felt like a shield.

On our way out to the car I nearly slipped and fell into the fresh snow. "You okay there Zoe!"yelled Alissa out the car in a mocking tone.After getting our bite to eat Max drove straight to the hall and we stayed in the car until 7 the time the doors to the dance would be open .Once we started seeing people show up me and Jordy quickly got out the car and did our best to sort of run towards the building. We wanted to be able to get a table for the four of us. We walked in left our jackets in the designated coat room and headed into the hall. It was decorated beautifully, white Christmas lights coating the ceilings. The hallway entrance to the main hall was a photo booth section with a different back drops that the art club had worked on. One that was my favorite was the one that had these clouds that hung from the wall along with Christmas lights and paper snowflakes. I thought it went so well with the winter wonderland theme. Jordan and I  both looked around in awe. All I was thinking was how they really outdid themselves this time.I somehow managed to snapout of the trance and pulled Jordan to the table section and sat at the one closest to the drinks.We sat there for a few minutes until Max and Alissa finally caught up.Max however was holding a pair of  Alissa's flats
"You brought flats!!" I whined to Alissa as I looked down at my own feet and the torture devices I chose to wear . "Duh, I don't wanna get tired" she said. "Especially not because of the thing"
I should've done that, I thought to myself looking down  at my feet especially because of Jordan, who for the party girl she was couldn't last in heels and would be barefoot at a baile.Ew.but I made her promise me that she was would try to last as long as she could.She promised,she would try. The music started a few seconds later starting off with a  bachata song that both me and Alissa loved and in a synchronized matter we both stood up and reached our hands out to our partners.Max stood up no hesitation having danced this type of music with Alissa many times before. Yet Jordan's eyes went from my hand to my eyes and then a big smile came on her face.
"Come on let's dance" I told her nudging my head to the dance floor " I don't really know how" she said and she took my hand and stood up next to me. Ughhhhhh, the reason I invited her was to have someone to dance with
" I'll teach you" I said with a reassuring smile leading her to the dace floor. Many people who weren't fortunate enough to get a table started to crowd around the dance floor, directing their stare straight out onto the dance floor.

The dj played a couple more songs but then changed to some reggaeton music. Not feeling it Max gave Alissa a quick peck before heading back to the table and she came to join me and Jordan. She was being really eager and had a smile the stiffness and awkwardness was apparent as she sometimes stumbled and tripped over her feet.(lord, knows how)

Everything was going good, she was feeling herself dancing  perfectly for about hmmmmm... 5 minutes, but suddenly grabbed  at my shoulder as she winced in pain telling me that her feet were starting to hurt her really really bad.
"Do you wanna sit down?" Alissa asked grabbing onto Jordans free arm so she could balance on her too. Once at the table Jordan immediately took off her heel and started massaging her foot. I laughed, proud that she had made it through at least 15 minutes of non stop dancing. I saw the face of complete bliss and satisfaction she had the moment she removed her shoe and knew I couldn't be upset with her.Max who had been talking to some of his friends suddenly appeared "Is she okay?" He questioned as he took his seat next to Alissa "Yeah she'll be fine" I smiled at him. With that we all looked ahead so we could have a view of the dance floor. I was looking around to see if I knew any of them but to my surprise I saw the two boys Max had been talking too starring back at our table.

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