The Faithful Servant

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I don't really like HP music videos but this made me cry so here you go :)

xoxo ~ Sadie

Venus' POV

"Oh don't get all gushy with me. I'm done." I spat as I ran up towards the girls dormitories.


It was another Hogsmeade weekend, I planned to hang oout with Hermione since if i hung out with Fred, George would be there.

We stayed at Honeydukes and when we wanted to go to The Three Broomsticks we had to literally drag Ron out of Honeydukes, I snuck a few lollies into my pocket as we drug Ron out.

"I'm not hungry, I'll take a walk while yo guys eat," I mumbled to them,.

"Okay," The trio said together and walked into the pub.

I walked the trail near the shrieking shack and walked in between the trees, the wind blew my hair in different directions as my feet crunched the snow below me.


The noise came directly behind me, I drew my wand instantly.

I whipped around.

" Expelliarmus!" I yelled.


I lowered my wand, a woman stood before me, average build, black tangled curls.

Bellatrix, mom.

Over her shoulder I could see Draco far ahead in the trail, he knew she was here, he came to warn me.

"I come for a nice family reunion and you try to disarm me eh?" The woman said pointing her wand at my throat.

I stood staring into her dead glass eyes.

"I have a proposal." She snickered.

"I want nothing to do with your kind." I hissed.

"That's too bad darling, I hope you won't miss your poor daddy then."

Bellatrix smirked.

"W-what do you mean." I stuttered.

"Come with me. Join us." Bellatrix snickered,"And nothing will happen, your family will be safe," She whispered.

"I'm a half-blood and you know it! I'm sure he will know too."

"I am his most faithful servant, he trusts me." Bellatrix spat.

"You will not go to the Americas this summer. You will ride the train with Draco to the mansion, I have informed him of this information already." She snickered, and started to walk away,"Tell anyone about our plan this summer, say farewell to your dirty father." She growled.

I stood there as she walked past me, Draco stood there in the trees, coming out of his hiding spot as she disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

He started to talk but i quickly shut him down.

"Its not your fault, I should've listened to you, I have no choice she would have gotten me anyway." I sniffled.

He started to talk again but I cut him off by walking the trail back to Hogsmeade.

I sat on a rock behind the buildings. My eyes were swollen, and my eyes bloodshot, but somehow all color leaked from my face.

Was this my destiny? To support you-know-who? What could I even do,if I wrote to my dad and told him to hide he wouldn't, hes stubborn, I'm hopeless.

I started to sob into my robe when i heard footsteps approach me. I started to pull out my wand when I heard that same familiar voice.

"Malfoy told me you were back here."George smiled, but his smile turned into a frown when he spotted tears on my cheeks.

"A-are you okay?" He stuttered as he bent down to me.

"You shouldn't even be talking to me George." I sniffed.

"And whys that? I was being stupid the other night, I was jealous, but I told you the truth when I said I fancied you."

"I can't be with you George, no matter how bad I want to be I-i can't." I wept in his shoulder as he pulled me closer.

"What is it Venus?"

"I'm dangerous, I shouldn't even be talking to you right now she could be watching me."

"Who would be watching you?"

"I-i-i S-shouldn't have said that O-oh no."I spluttered.

"Venus no one is around, you can see into the woods from here." George said pointing into the woods.

"Pansy was right. My mum is a death eater, my mum is Bellatrix Lestrange, she tortured Neville's parents."

George looked taken aback.

"Isn't she in Azkaban?"

"She escaped. A-and now S-shes threatening M-me." I sobbed.

"Venus, she can't hurt you at Hogwarts, and we can just take you back home to the burrow for summer, she won't hurt you there!" George explained.

"I have to go to the Malfoy's Mansion this summer, or she'll kill my dad, she knows where he is."

"Then tell him to go and seek shelter!" George exclaimed.

"He isn't like that! He is stubborn, he won't leave his house, he won't believe me that she escaped Azkaban."

"I think maybe I got a plan, but you have to not run off on your own, or she can get you an-" George stopped.

"What about you write a letter pleading to him?" George asked as he took my hand and led me to the castle.

"He is really stubborn."

"At least give it a try? Tell him not to mention it to anyone, say that you can't go back because it wouldn't be safe for either of you."

It sounded like it may work, I took a piece of parchment out of my bag and wrote everything down.

I saw Harry heading to the Owlery.

I grabbed his shoulder.

"Can you PLEASE take this to the Owlery, Harry?"

He sighed deeply. and took the envelope.

"Thank you I owe you!" I yelled after him as he walked off, I ran back over to George and Fred.

"I've never kept something from Fred," George whispered in my direction.

"Well I feel special then," I smiled weakly back at him.

Oblivious {George Weasley}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora