05:Old Times

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Annie's Pov:

Everyone was confused expect me and Caden. It was all silent and then Brennan showed up. I did what I thought was the best thing to do I haven't seen him in so long I ran up to him and hugged him.

(Brennan:B, Mads:Md)

B: Oh my god, Annie I can't believe it's really you.

I laughed.

A: How long has it been like 3 years?

B: Yup.

C: So let me get this straight, you guys dated like 3 years ago?

A: Yeah, right before...

J: Before her brother died.

C: Oh.

Then came the other girl Mads, Caden's ex.

Md: Hi everyone...


Dylan ran up to her and hugged her, Dylan had told me so many stories about her and how nice she was.

Ca: What are you doing here? Do you think it's ok to just follow me around after what you did to me??!

It got all quiet.

MR: Ok everyone let's pipe down. Let's end the bonfire early today. Brennan you are cabin mates with Caden and Mads your with Mackenzie and Dylan. Curfew is 10.

Everyone left and went to there cabins right when I started walking away 2 boys called my name at the same time.

A: Huh?

I turned around saw Carson and Brennan.

B: Annie you wanna go take a walk you could show me around?

C: Or we could go to the camp fire and roast marshmallows.

I didn't know who to pick Brennan was sweet and we had history but Carson was the bad boy and I was the bad girl we was basically meant to be with me and Carson but I wanted to catch up with Brennan and that was my decision.

A: Sorry Carson, I want to catch up with Brennan.

C: It's ok, I hop we can hang out tomorrow.

A: Sure.

And just like that me and Brennan walked off and I showed him around, where the lake was the pool and camp fire and other camp activites around. And when I looked up we were at my cabin.

B: Looks like were at your cabin.

A: Yeah, it was nice catching up with you.

I looked at him in his eyes we were both staring at each other. His brown eyes.

A: Well I should get to bed...

I was about to grab the handle to our cabin when he grabbed me wrist and pulled me close to him. Put his hand under my chin and we kissed.

B: Goodnight Annie.

I was speechless, he walked off to his cabin and when I opened the door Jayden was on the ground right in front of me.

A: You were listening huh?

I stepped over her and walked inside, sitting on the couch. Jayden got up and closed the door and sat across from me on the chair.

J: How would I not be able to listen? You guys kissed huh?

I looked down.

A: ...

J: That's a yes!

A: Shush!

J: I knew you were into him.

A: I was never over him he was my boyfriend I loved him, I still do.

J: Oooo, Annie's in loveee!

A: Shut up Jay.

J: Well I'm going to bed, see you in the morning.

A: Night.

N/A: Sorry I haven't posted in like a week, I just got out of school and was sleeping all the time. But I'm going on a road trip next week and won't have my computer so you'll have to wait some more. But I hope you guys enjoy reading "BAD GIRLS SUMMER CAMP!"


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