Half imagination, half lies. What's the truth? (part I)

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  When Arthit woke up it was in the middle of Henry's phone call. He tried to keep his composure and not react in any way. Also it was shocking to discover Henry talking in another language as if it was his own. The thought came just a second later. Maybe it was his own? How much did he knew about Henry anyway? Almost nothing, they were in truth aquaintance's only for a couple of days. Arthit took a minute to settle down his emotions, before he opened his eyes. Actually he was desperate to not to believe Knott right now. If Knott's idea of his dream to be rather a memory than a dream of imagination, then it ment that something was wrong with Kong. Arthit had been a kid in the dream, when he took the lollipop from Henry. But Henry had been the same, he looked exactly like he did today. Was there something really absurd going on? Was it even believable? Well he had heard about people, who believed in auras, or past lives or aliens. Probably anything would be possible to look from these kind of point of views, but Arthit had never believed in anything supernatural, why should he. His life had been so excitingly real enough, he didn't need to add a fantasy zanr to his life too.

 Arthit opened his eyes and saw the passing scenery. The time it for took him to decide what to say, was enough for Henry to finish his phone call. At last Arthit turned to look at Henry. When he had got through the urge to just as. Who are you? Arthit moved on to the next question in his immediate concern level, and asked how far were they. Henry seemed a bit startled, like he hadn't realised Arthit had woken up. If he was worried about Arthit noticing about him talking in another language, or had the phone call been somehow important. If so, he shouldn't have been worried, Arthit didn't get any of it.

"Its about 30min to your mothers house. Where are you staying anyway?"

"Well not back there. If you can put me down in the hotel a mile from her house, Id be grateful. There is one hotel near there." Arthit knew that he seemed a bit harsh with his words, but Henry was probably the only one who knew some of the situation at Arthit's family. Well the background search was so extensive, maybe even more that Knott knew about Arthit, so he didn't bother denying anything.

"I think we are staying in the same hotel then. Do you want to stay in my suite, crash in the second room?" Henry asked in a rather cautious voice.

Arthit thought for a second, but decided that thinking about money, hotel rooms and the long waiting fight he knew waited for him when he would be going home. "Thanks. I wont say no to a free meal."

"I never said I would feed you for free." Arthit was stunned, but at a second later he heard Henry laughing quietly. How in the earth was he supposed to get used to laughing smiling Henry. This was total flip side of the character he had gotten used to in the last week or so, that Arthit didn't' knew how to react. Was he supposed to laugh too, not that it wasn't funny, but in truth all his thoughts were concentrated on his mother, so he had no energy left for reading Henry and understanding his jokes. But as he was looking at Henrys face he saw the concern and worry he felt towards Arthit. "Thank you. I'm really grateful for the help and all. I think I don't express my feelings maybe too well."

"You do and you don't. But I guess I'm the last person who should lecture anybody about showing the real emotions or feelings. I don't remember when I last was honest with anybody. But I guess I'm honest with you. Somehow I get so comfortable with you that I forget where I am and who I am, and just talk and act like I want to, not like I'm supposed to. So you are totally excused in acting as you need, however it is, if you can handle me." Henry said it so earnestly that Arthit wanted to trust every word. Could he?

When they arrived at the hotel Arthit just let Henry deal with all the signing in and making the preparations. Soon they were off to the small hotel suite. Arthit had never been to a hotel in Rayong before. As he never stayed the night at his mother's house, he only came here rarely and only for a couple of hours tops, and he always went back to Bangkok quickly. Only once or twice he had gone to the beach there, he didn't stay at the regular spot where the fishermen held their boats, and who else, but he had discovered a place a bit farther down the beach, where he could sit and think and not be bothered by anyone. Arthit had always loved the water and just looking at it was good enough as an therapy for him. It was good there even was a 4 star hotel, where Henry could stay the night. Arthit was pretty worried about it actually, because he had seen in what condition he lived in Bangkok.  Henry found it comfortable enough thankfully. He's first move was to remove his jacket, throw it on the armchair and sit down in front of the TV, switching on the news channel. Arthit just occupied the smaller bedroom and changed his clothes before leaving the hotel room and going to his mother's place. He had not said much to Henry, because he had been too nervous and maybe he even wanted to avoid Henry's prying eyes and worried look. Especially when Arthit wasn't sure what he would have say later in the evening to Henry. Would he have anything to say?

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